Who's Stepping on 10"s??

There was a question on Ask Cathe about this and it has me wondering...Who else is doing some of their step workouts on a 10" board?? I'm 5'8" with no knee issues and love the increased challenge of this step height for some, definitely not all, of my stepping, anyone else out there...?:)

Take Care
RE: Who's Stepping on 10

If you're tall and athletic you can do some non-Cathe low impact step workouts on a 10" step. She even recommends not to do low max (her only low impact workout) on 8", not only because of your joints but because the moves get trickier on a taller step and you risk falling or tripping and then you can seriously injure yourself. If you're doing Cathe workouts at this height I'm impressed :eek:!. I do some at 6" and some at 8", but most at 6. I remember that old Reebok step videos (think early 90's here) had people working out with 10" steps, but those were low impact.
RE: Who's Stepping on 10

8 is recommended for average heigh women, since your taller then average, you are probably okay. One way to check is stand behind step, just like your going to use it, put one foot on it, look at how your leg is shaped directly under knee, if the under neither part of the knee goes less then 90 degrees, it's too high. If you got a 90 degree angle or bigger it's okay. Test this with the step on the ground if it's unclear, now put right foot on step, see the bend under the knee, this show be much wider now. More area between your calf and thigh. This area, should always be 90 degrees or wider, when stepping.


RE: Who's Stepping on 10

Kit, what you've posted is what I also posted on the step height thread on 'Ask Cathe'. I'm just curious who else out there is stepping on 10"s:) Anyone????

Take Care
RE: Who's Stepping on 10

Hi Laurie....only 5'4" here...but when I started stepping in like 1989 I did use a 10...I know I am quite blessed as a runner not to have knee issues..:D But after I got my Reebok step in 1993 I use 6 most of the time, but I do use 8 for Lowmax...:)...Carole
RE: Who's Stepping on 10

I use whatever step height Cathe is using. In her earlier videos she always uses 8", even in IMAX1. The first time I did IMAX2 I just automatically set up my step at 8" but it wasn't long before that got reduced to 6".

I have a Charlene Pricket video and she uses 10".

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