Whoo Hooo! Just got my new catalog!

Just Want2BFit

Active Member
This is such a great looking one too. Last time I got a Cathe catalog it was a one sheet double sided black and white one . Cathe has come a long way since I last had her catalog! It is done very well , in color; it's just beautiful! Can I say that about a catalog LOL ?
It came with my Imax2 & C&W dvd ...today is my cardio day and I was just gonna get on my treadmill for my 20 minute HIIT but now I'm gonna attempt IMAX2 instead. Wish me luck :7
OK... Good Luck!! I enjoy Imax 2 one word of caution.. beware of hopping on one leg it feels like it will last forever... it ends eventually. :)

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