Whole Body Cleanse


Has anyone done this? I'm considering a whole body cleanse where you do the colon cleanse for 1 month then kidneys, liver etc over the next couple of months. Any advice is appreciated!

I will be interested to see what people have to say about this, as I have been considering the very same thing! I have read colon cleanse for 4-6 weeks, then liver, gall bladder and kidneys. I don't quite know how to go about it, though!
I'm doing a colon cleanse right now! Once the colon is clean, I keep on with the same program (an oxygen-based pill), and the oxygen is available to enter the bloodstream and work on the other organs.
I've never figured out this cleansing method that takes longer than a couple of days.

I had to have a colonoscopy. It was done on a Monday morning. On Sunday afternoon I started drinking a gallon of polyethelene glycol mixture. 1 8oz glass every 10 minutes. My colon and intestines (as well as the whole digestive system) were clean and flushed within 24 hours. They have video to prove it.

I understand about diverticulosis and "stuff" compacting into the intestines or colon. I think a little more fiber, liquid and a gentle natural laxative (prune juice) will keep the digestive tract clear. Just my opinion.

>Kathryn, have you noticed any changes yet?

Changes? Not really, but I can tell it's working on the inside!

Things are definitely clearing out (note to others, do NOT do this particular cleanse unless you have quick access to a rest room--I started when I was still on vacation and at home! Now, I reduce the dose when I know I'll be going out the next day).

The day after I started the cleanse, I visited my accupuncturist (I do a regular weekly session). He noticed a zit (he said "a bit of redness") by my nose. I didn't think he meant anything by it, and just complained that those stray ones that pop up in hard-to-get-at places are annoying. Later on, I mentioned my cleanse, and he said that explained the zit, because it's at a point that corresponds to the digestive system. I said it couldn't be working that quickly, but he said it could.

I also discuss with him the various manifestations of what is coming out (texture and color), and he said that the color at one time corresponds to the gall bladder, so I should keep on with the cleanse because it seems to be working.

I do feel more energetic AND calm (though sometimes not calm enough to deal with the repeated questions of an ADD student I have this semester in first-semester French!).

I think that results from something like this (at least for someone who eats pretty cleanly most of the time anyway, and avoids toxins), are more subtle and long-term rather than a dramatic "I lost 20 pounds" (of impacted fecal matter!) or "my X is cured"!

By cleaning out the digestive tract from top to bottom, nutrients from food are absorbed better (I DO feel less hungry, especially for junk food, maybe because the "real food" I eat is being used more efficiently? Maybe just a coincidence.). The immune system should also benefit because of the cells lining the intestinal tract that form part of the immune system.
>I understand about diverticulosis and "stuff" compacting into
>the intestines or colon. I think a little more fiber, liquid
>and a gentle natural laxative (prune juice) will keep the
>digestive tract clear. Just my opinion.

I eat lots of fiber, eat cleanly most of the time, and am very regular, so I didn't think a cleanse would do much, but that "stuff" that's compacted must be pretty solidly attached, and needs something more than a simple laxative/fiber/enema (equivalent to running water down the drain) to break it down. A cleanse is more like using Drano to eat away (safely) at the "stuff." I certainly see the products of this breakdown. The stuff I use is oxygen-based, which also kills off anaerobic bacteria (which can be some pretty smelly stuff!).
I've done a number of different cleanses, the Master Cleanse among them. The one that made the most difference for me was a colon cleanse called Colonix. Once I cleaned out my colon, I feel 100% better. Sinuses are clearer, multiple food allergies are gone, recurrent yeast infections are gone, gas and bloating a thing of the past. I highly recommend it!

Here are some interesting links:



Wow Christine, that is great. I looked at the websited you posted and I'm more convinced than ever that I want to do this. Do you take Dr. Natura's products all the time or just do an occassional cleanse? Also, do you cleanse other body parts (liver, kidneys etc.) with other products?
these "cleansers" are nothing but extremely harsh natural laxatives, the main ingredient in most of them seem to be psyllium and senna. your body cleans itself perfectly well, you have a liver and kidneys. whenever you see the word "toxins" you are being sold snake oil--its a game as old as the hills and every one of these products could have been sold at a traveling medicine show in the 19th century.

I think I share your opinion xxx dana xxx. If you eat a diet high in fiber and drink plenty of fluids, avoid too much fat, sugar, and alcohol, your system should be able to clean itself without any help. Also, bacteria SHOULD be present in the intestinal tract. Not all bacteria is a bad thing and you can end up with some nasty problems if you strip your system of these needed cells.

Yes, Michele, you're absolutely right. If you have eaten a healthy diet your entire life, you will not have any problems. And some people are just blessed with better digestive systems than others.

Personally, I developed a lot of problems after prolonged use of antibiotics and steroids for some medical problems I had when I was younger. This caused a systemic candida (yeast) problem. You're also correct in that we have good and bad bacteria in our intestines. What happens in extreme cases like mine was that the bad bacteria overcame the good causing a fungal condition. From this condition, rhizoids (long roots) developed and created tiny punctures in the lining of my intestines. (common name is Leaky Gut Syndrome) When they happens, undigested junk from your intestines goes into your bloodstream and wreaks havoc on your system.

Anyway, long story short...I agree that there are lots of "quacks" out there willing to take your money and that not everyone may need a cleanse. The key is to look at your specific concerns and research your options. I happened to find something that's made me feel 100% better than I ever have. It's improved my quality of life like I can't even begin to tell you.

And Debbie, I went on it for one month. I haven't done any liver cleanses. I just went to the doctor last week and my blood pressure and liver enzymes are back to normal. Yay.

>Kathryn, what is the product name you are using for the
>cleanse? Just curious, thanks.

It's called "Oxypowder".
Not all bacteria is a bad thing and you can
>end up with some nasty problems if you strip your system of
>these needed cells.
Definitely, but there is good bacteria (fed by inulin fiber, the acidophilus in yogurt, etc), and bad bacteria. I DO know the difference, and keep the good stuff healthy while getting rid of the bad stuff!

And your system probably could clean itself out perfectly well, if you ate a raw food diet (who can do that!) and avoided environmental toxins like pollution, alcohol, smoke, etc.

To each his own.

I do agree that many of these cleanses are just harsh laxatives. But not all are. You do have to be an informed consumer.
>Kathryn, how long have you been on Oxypowder and do you plan
>to stay on it or just cleanse every so often?

I'm in my third week, and I plan to use up the bottle (which will last about a week or two more). I think by then, I'll be well cleaned out.

I definitely don't believe in using an internal cleanser long-term (your body should take care of that), just as a "house cleaning" once or twice a year. An exception would be a daily detox tea with something like Milk thistle in, that is a tonic for the liver. I've got some of that around, and may start using it in the a.m. at least a few days a week.

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