Whoa I got a bike!

I'm so shocked right now, this morning for Easter when I woke up I found a bike in my garage. Pretty big Easter present, eh? I'm so excited! So do any of you incorporate bike riding into your rotations, and how so? I think this will be a great variation to all the stepping and high impact that I do. It's just starting to stay nice outside after that brutal winter...it's gonna be so nice to be able to go out and enjoy the fresh air while exercising! (I have never really been much of a jogger) I just wanted to post because I'm so excited! Happy Easter everyone!
What fun!
My poor bike is rusting away in my basement. I haven't ridden it at all since moving to this small town with no good biking areas.

But when I did ride, I incorporated it in many of my daily activities: biking to school (which would be "to work" now), biking to the grocery store (get some good packs for your bike).

I would also do weekend rides of anywhere from 8-20 miles.
Several years before I stopped riding, I made it a goal of mine to do a century ride, so I would increase my mileage a bit every day I rode (every other day) until a few days before the century, when I hit my highest mileage of around 60 miles.

I was very proud (and sore!) to have completed the century ride, even though there were times when I was glad the "sag wagon" wasn't around or I would have been very tempted to ask for a ride!

You may not want to do a century ride, but working your way up to some goal might be fun. Also, if there are cycling groups in your town (there was one in Madison, where I used to ride), they may have organized rides on a weekly basis or so. They sometimes tie them into some kind of activity like a visit to a historical site.
I bike every morning for about 1/2 hour. My husband and I get up at 6:30 am, do our morning ride and then get back in time to wake up the kids and get them ready for school. After they all go to school I do my Cathe workout or treadmill or weights depending on the day and my mood. I love the early mornings with my husband when the trails are not too crowded. Great way to start my day!
What a great Easter present!

If you want to incorporate cycling into your fitness routine, just approach like any new fitness activity. Start with shorter rides & build from there. I'm guessing that you will be riding some hills since you live in Connecticut so it's important that you learn how to use your gears & keep your knees happy. Even though cycling is non-impact, one can still stress their knees using too large of a gear or doing too much mileage too soon. I'm absolutely addicted to outdoor exercise & hope that you get half the enjoyment I do out of riding.

Did the Easter bunny bring you a helmet?

Oh what a great Easter present!!! I love bike riding. To celebrate 2 years cancer free last week, my DH bought me a new bike (I picked it out though, his heart is always in the right place but boy oh boy can he pick'em). We have a Rail to Trail about 20 minutes from our house. It is about 50 miles long through country scenery. You should see if you have any in your area. They are converting old railroads into recreational use biking, riding, and hiking trails. The one near us is actually pretty level. Enjoy your bike, the weather is great for riding!!!Happy Easter.


I love my bike and my hubby recently purchased one for himself as well. I go whenever the weather allows for usually 45mn to an hour. We have a lot of hills out here in the country and when the wind is coming at me thay can be brutal!!;( I now take my 3 year old with me on the back! Susan
My bicycle is the reason I exercise and eat right. It's the reason I believe I've made a permanent lifestyle change. At first I didn't like riding. It was hard. The first time I made it a whole mile, I was ecstatic. As I went farther and farther, I realized it was only the first mile or two that was hard. After that, it just got easier to keep on going. Sometimes, I don't even want to go home.

Nowadays, I regularly ride 15-30 miles a day, three or four times a week. I like to ride alone, on deserted country highways, but I also ride in town, run errands, ride with my husband and/or our son, and sometimes even with a group. There's such a sense of freedom in cycling. I can hardly wait to get outside in the air and sunshine. There's such a feeling of joy in starting out a bike ride early in the morning when everything is still fresh and dewy and just coming alive. Sometimes, when I have a lot on my mind, I just ride and think and look around. Sometimes I listen to books on tape. Sometimes I listen to music. Sometimes I visit with friends.

I wish you as much joy with your bicycle as I've found with mine. It truly is a fabulous gift.
Thanks everyone for the replies, I enjoyed reading them! I'm gonna go for a bike ride as soon as I get a chance, I've been so busy lately! I haven't had time to work out for two days, hopefully tomorrow I can make up for lost time and spend a good hour and a half with Cathe, and then my bike! Take care, all......

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