Who stays away from sugar?

I definitely cut my sugar intake way back. I'll usually let myself eat one dessert a week, simply because my mother is a fabulous baker and she just lives right down the road. It makes her happy to be able to bake.

But I don't keep any of the stuff in my house, and definitely no processed foods. Besides, they are usually packed with salt, as well as sugar. What a toxic combination.

But let me warn you. Sometimes I get on a "sugar kick." You know, oh, just a little bite here, and maybe one more won't hurt...especially if the mom has baked something truly wonderful... It's HARD to quit again!

Most of the time I don't miss it at all. No more zits, for one thing. And I feel much cleaner inside, if you know what I mean.

dananmis22, I'm with ya on this one! Let's do this together! I also told my husband that starting today, no more sugar for a month! He needs to hold me accountable, but if I can have someone to help me here...that's even better!

For me it's the cookies that I've baked for the "family" (yeah right, I'm the one that really wants them). I like cookies and it's hard to stay away from them. It wouldn't be bad if I'd just stop at the first one(no need to say how many goes into this mouth in a day's time). I really think this is all about discipline for me. We eat clean but I like to put something sweet into my mouth after a meal. It just feels like I need IT!!

So, good-bye sugar for the next month.

Let's keep each other in check!
I just read on your profile that you are from IN, me too! What part of the state? I am on the northwest side of Indy, just between Zionsville and Lebanon.

I have to have someone other than DH hold me accountable, he is usually the one to try to sabatoge me, sad to say. We watched Troy this weekend and after seeing Brad Pitt naked in almost every other scene he said he wanted to lose weight. Then he ate two pieces of pie. x( It is so great to find someone exactly where you are in your journey with the same goal! I haven't had anything yet today, and I won't! My weaknesses are brownies, fudge, cakes, soft cookies, and pecan pie. Wow. Like you, I eat clean, mostly. No processed food, cook from scratch, and get plenty of fruits and veggies. I think that we are addicted to sugar. Ugh!!!! I am ready to kick it!

Well, good luck!

Northeast Indiana - 1 hour east of South Bend, IN. We are in Amish country!!!! Shipshewana, IN (tourist town) There are horses and buggies going past our place all the time. Actually, I married an ex-Amish man! My in-laws are Amish yet!

I'm doing good today too! No sugar except from fruit. I feel good just knowing that I'm cutting out something that will do us a lot of good!

Hey, here's another plus.....I won't have to bake as often!!!!! yeah!

Nice to meet you here Missy!

I wish you a lot of will power to say no to those sweets!

Keep in touch!

This thread made me start thinking... And i've determined that i Do stay away from sugar, although i've never really thought about it. I eat lots of fruit and I make Oat bran chocolate chip cookies about once a month, but other than that, I don't eat sugar or processed flours. I definatly reccommend Stevia for your coffee/tea. But get the liquid, the powder doens't disolve and tastes kinda like grass IMHO. haha :p

I should also add... that if i'm craving somehting during TTOTM (chocolate, ice cream...) I will eat it. but those craving are VERY rare.

Getting started is the hardest part, good luck!
I try to avoid sugar as much as I can - particularly the processed varieties. I read product labels voraciously. I try to avoid high fructose corn syrup as much as possible (it's everywhere!) No beverage with it, no bread with it, no spagetti sauce with it, etc.
I read labels to see how many grams of sugar are in a serving and always buy the products with the lowest. That being said, I still eat fruit, I occassionally sweeten things, but only w/turbinado (unbleached) sugar and don't eat candy, cakes, pastries, etc. at all. I've now gotten to where I don't even have to eat it - if it's cake/candy/etc, I get queasy even looking at it.
I avoid refined sugar too. Sometimes I bake with the unrefined sugars, but even then, it's hard to control my intake, but I feel like that's a better route for my children. I learned about all the unrefined sugars and the difference in how they interact with your body from Marilu Henner's books. She tells of the dangers of chemical sugar substitutes too.

The biggest benefit I've seen in eliminating these sugars from my life is my ability to live on less sleep, which is wonderful for my early morning workouts. I can go to bed as late as 11:00 or so and pop out of bed at 5:15 or 5:30 ready to go. There's no way I can do that when I eat refined sugar. Also, I used to get yeast infections quite often. Once I stopped eating sugar, I stopped getting the infections.

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