Who is A Night Owl?


I for one am. I love the peace and quiet of the night and the cooler air. Even during the work week I am up until midnight. I usually don't require a lot of sleep except when ill. How many others enjoy the night hours and why?

I love the peace and sounds of the night but alas can't enjoy them. I have to be up at 5:30 AM and don't get home till about 8:30PM when I do my workout and then come 10:30 I crash and go to sleep.
I am just the opposite..I enjoy the early mornings. The early mornings before the kids get up are so peaceful to me. Its very important for me to have that "Me" time so I will set my alarm to get up at 5am so that I can guarantee some time to my self. My daughter gets up at 6AM so that only leaves me an hour!!
I like to stay up late when I can, like last night I was up until almost 1 after the party, but I have to get up at 5:00 on weekdays to work so I'm in bed by 9:00 or 9:30 at the lastest. I do enjoy that time in the mornings though before I go to work.
Hi Terri,

I'm a total night owl, too. I've been wired this way forever. I've got the perfect third shift body clock but unfortunately, my career is a 9-5.

And yes, I cannot get to sleep before midnight, either. Even if I'm tired in the late afternoon, around 8 or 9PM, I start coming alive.

Terri, I love staying up late for the same reasons. I always have since I wasa teen. But since I do have to get up around 6:30 in the morning, I also try not to stay up past 12 which usually means 12:30 to 1:00. If I stay up too workout suffers the next day.

I definately CAN be when I don't have to get up early the next day but I DO need my sleep so if I plan to be up before 8am I am in bed no later than 11:00.

I really don't know WHY I enjoy night time...I just do. lol
I do enjoy the night.Night runs outside are my fav.But there are times when 10:30 hits and I gotta hit the sack!Tonight I will probably go to bed around 11:30 and get up at 5.I don't need a whole lot of sleep but I enjoy my naps in the day time as well.
i am a night owl too....i work 2 days a week, and my shift time is noon to 10:30 pm, so when i get home, i tend to stay up till 3am many times!!! love it!!
Yep, that's me. Always has been. At college my bedtime was always 3am and rising time at 11am. I don't see what the problem is: you still live your day, just at a different time from anybody else.

When my husband takes the kids on vacation, I fall straight back intothat same routine which is my natural body timetable.

And even when they are not on holiday, I am usually up til 2 or 3am. Which makes it tough that I have to be up at 8am toget my daughter on the school bus, so for most of the school year I am tired, tired, tired. An early night for me is midnight.

But my kids fell into the habit of faling asleep late, usually at 9.30-10pm, so then I have to clean up the kitchen, wash up, make their lunch boxes for next day's school, and I usually do this listening to a book on tape and I love it. I'm the only on up in the neighbourhood it seems, it's my peaceful time with the world, when I can imagine that the rest of the #### out there does not exist.

I usually stay up 'til 1 a.m., sometimes later. I can make do with 5-6 hours of sleep, although I have to make up for it during the weekends. I like the SILENCE around me in the late night hours and I spend the time mostly reading or watching my forensic shows.

I have to have 8-10 hours sleep each night. My brain shuts off at 7pm from just exhaustion from workouts and everything else I am trying to do. I usually go to sleep between 9 and 10pm. I don't like to wake up before 6:30am, but I am usually up by 7am.

I am in the music biz so I usually don't get off work until 1 or 2 AM, then I have to tear down and get home...by 4 AM sometimes. Feed the animals, get email, clean up, go to bed usually by 5 or 6 AM then up by Noon or 1PM

I love the overnight hours. I am the only one in the grocery store. The road are free and clear from crappy drivers. I love the coolness of the evening. I usually workout about an hour after I get up, then I have the rest of the afternoon to run errands, and enjoy the day.

I have never been a morning person...the very thought of early morning makes me groan!

I am a night owl simply because I work nights. Funny thing is when I don't work I sleep all night and I am up by 5am. Talk about feeling like a yo yo!!!
I've always been a night owl. But I have to get out of bed at 7 each morning, and I need at least 8 hrs. of sleep, so I'm usually sleep deprived during the week and then make up for it on the weekend.

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