Who HASN'T ordered STS?


I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't be bothered to try to search for it. So, who hasn't ordered? I haven't, but now I'm teetering on the edge. Stupid blog pictures!!! *shakes fist at blog pictures*
I have not & won't - can't justify the cost for how much I'd use it. The P90X+ would better suit my needs, and it's a lot cheaper.
I haven't ordered because I needed the Gym Styles and even those weren't really in my budget :) I must say that the blog pictures are very, very enticing and I will NEED to have STS some day, but I think I will view it as a reward for meeting some of the fitness goals I have right now.
I cancelled my order. I realized that this kind of training does not really appeal to me. I don't like the use of the paper plates, and I don't really like to lift super heavy. I build muscle too easily. I'm doing kettlebells right now, but when I circle back around to weights again, the GS series and S&H are fine. I could see myself doing this program one time through, and never touching it again. Realized $200 isn't worth it for that.

That being said, I do think the program IS worth the price, and I think it's going to be a fabulous program for others, just not me.
I haven't. I've only recently started to focus on, and enjoy, lifting weights and doing it regularly. I just can't see myself doing this program, even though it looks great. Just not for me.
Christine... THANK YOU! You just reminded me that I, too, build muscle too easily. I was super bulky at the end of P90X and I didn't like it much. Okay, whew! Thanks!

*blows a raspberry at the blog pictures*

I haven't. I think this program will be great, but in reality I just won't use it. Plus, I'd have to buy more weights and most likely cave on the barbell. We just don't have the funds to do that right now. Plus, this type of workout is not my cup of tea. A rotation would probably do me good, but I just don't really like to be told what to do :p
Nope, I haven't either. Still love my P90X/X+, and Cathe's that I already have and don't really need to spend the $200. Love seeing the blog pics and can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of it.
I haven't ordered. I've been teetering for a while and can't even count how many times I've filled out the online preorder form (even put all my credit card info in!!) and then cancelled out of it when I got to the screen that said "click to finalize" or whatever it says. x(

I want it but it's too much money and I totally see myself (just like Christine said) doing the program once and then never touching it again. There are already too many dvd's that are gathering dust.

I also am not a fan of lifting super, duper heavy. My dumbells only go up to 20lbs and I am NOT buying a squat rack. Don't have the room in my apt. or the money and honestly, I don't want to squat that much weight. My knees ache after only doing Slow and Heavy Legs. x(

I may end up ordering Mesocycles 1 and/or 2 separately and maybe ab hits. I am also a little scared of the innovative moves like the paper plate moves!

Anyway, I really want it, but the above reasons are what I've convinced myself with that I don't NEED sts. My birthday is in May so maybe I'll ask for it then. But right now I just can't justify the purchase. :(


I haven't and won't. I really do like to lift heavy, but I get pretty good results from what I do now. STS looks like fun... but I have enough trouble using all the routines I have now. I think I'd just be overwhelmed with so many more. Besides - the presale is over!
I haven't. Might order the abs one - I could use another abs DVD. I'm holding out for STS Gym (the mp3 thing they've talked about). Seems like that would work better for what I want.
*waves* hey shellers! Sorry I've been MIA lately. Busy & antisocial ;)

You know my deal. I have no interest. I do most of that stuff on my own in the gym or at home. I also can't make that kind of schedule commitment, especially with the kiddo, etc. Finally, I can't even think about spending THAT much more on fitness right now. Blog picks are great indeed, but I'm really not feeling the itch on this set.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
I'm holding out for STS Gym (the mp3 thing they've
>talked about). Seems like that would work better for what I

I think I'll wait for that too. I've been looking into getting a gym membership lately and then I wouldn't have to buy all the extra dumbells, squat rack, etc. that I don't have room for in my home.


I didn't order it. I can do a periodization schedule on my own. You can read about them in magazines or personal training books. The blog pics look great, but I wasn't that intrigued by the whole thing.

I haven't and I'm not going to...and I'm ok with that.
Right now I am doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women, and it only cost me $11 and some change!!:7
I didn't either. I don't have the space for all that equipment--jeez, I don't even think I have the space for all those DVDs! Plus I love my gym routine which is plenty heavy. ;-)

I will most definitely be getting Ab Circuits. And I am considering the mp3 workouts to mix up the gym stuff a little, since I've busted into the 21st century & finally bought an mp3 player.

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