Who has had gallbladder surgery & how long was your recovery?

Denise R

I just had gallbladder surgery this past Monday. I had been suffering at least a year until hubby insisted I get it checked. Not only did I have the gallstones but several large stones were blocking several ducts. (no wonder I was so sick--I put on almost a pound a day in 2 weeks prior to surgery, heavy water retention) I've already lost 10.2 lbs since Monday. I am having no pain in my upper shoulder or upper chest/back like the nurse said I might (which is awesome).

I am feeling pretty good and my f/up is this coming Thursday. I am hoping I get the GREEN LIGHT for pretty much anything.

So, who has had the surgery and how was your recovery?

Denise -

I don't have an answer to your question, just hoping your recovery goes as smoothly as possible....I'm lad you're already feeling so much better!
When I had my gallbladder surgery, the only restriction I had was lifting anything over 20 pounds. He told me that I couldn't lift for six weeks unless I wanted to come back for a hernia operation. So after six weeks I started doing my regular exercises and was fine. By the way, the back and shoulder pain is from the air they blow your abdomen up with.

My ob/gyn gave me the same restriction after my hysterectomy.(This was a full open abdominal surgery). I am just at my 6 week mark so I will be lifting starting tomorrow with the May rotation. By the way, that was my only restriction. My surgeon said to try things and if they don't feel right stop so luckily I was able to do most everything!

Glad you are feeling so well! Keep it up!

By the way, I credit Cathe for my swift recovery. When I went to the doctor's office 6 days post op to get my staples removed, he took me around the office to all the other surgeons. They couldn't believe how well I walked and that I had no pain. I told then that I may not look great, but exercising with Cathe has made me strong. Now if I could lose those 20 pounds!
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My surgeon mainly told me to take it slow, and to stop if something felt too challenging. I think also I was not allowed to lift heavy for some number of weeks, but can't remember now how long. My surgeon, just like jackie7, couldn't believe how quickly I healed - I wanted to be like, dude, if I can make it through the entirety of Drill Max then believe me when I say gallbladder removal is a piece of cake. :) So, Denise, I suspect you will be able to bounce back well too. Cathe really is amazing for the health aspect of our lives!


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