Which Videos to Use???


Active Member
A couple of years ago I started using the Pure Strength series and absolutely loved it. Then I started going to a gym so I backed off of my videos--but now I am back! I love weights and am not crazy about cardio, but REALLY need to work on it and improve. I have never done a step class. Which videos would any of you recommend? I am a little confused with the new dvd's that have come out--I'm not sure which to pick. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Cathe is so great at cuing in all of her tapes! I have heard (but have not tried) Cathe's Get In Shape for You Wedding video is really good for beginners. I have all her others and would say Step Heat is pretty basic. Also her Cardio Kicks is a great floor routine involving kickbox moves. It easy to learn and VERY fun to do!
Hope this helps! Susan
Hillary, I recommend Cardio Kicks. This was the first of two cardio workouts I tried from Cathe and although it is tough, you can learn the moves an a short amount of time. I say this confidently because even though I used to teach aerobics, I still am very "choreographically challenged". You learn alot of the moves in the warmup and her cueing is so impeccable that you can pick up the other moves very quickly. I like it because I did not spend a whole lot of time trying to learn moves and I could get into the intensity of the workout much more effectively.

Plus ya just feel so strong and tough after you are done!!!


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