Which video is better??


I have been weight trainning since november 2001. Recently I have no time to go to the gym. I still want to get to workout by body the way i used to at the gym. I had a very good split workout. I friend refered me to your video "MIS". Now that i have seen the "PH" i also like it.
Now I saw the previews for both videos. They seem to be almost the same to me.
Do you recomend one over the other?
Which one should I purchase?

Thank you!!
My personal favorite is power hour...it is very motivating,great music!It also has the legs broken into 2 sections so you get a little rest in there,which i really like.They are both great workouts tho...but i think i would go with power hour first if i had to chose.(just get both!!)
I'm not Cathe but I have both MIS and PH. MIS tends to be more muscular strength training while PH is more muscular endurance. However, since you have been weight training for awhile and depending on your training level, MIS may be more endurance than strength for you. I personally like them both and will rotate between my S&H rotations. I would get them both if you can swing the $$$ otherwise if I could only get one, it would probably be MIS. It has a great AB section and is a little longer workout. Whatever you chose, you can't lose with Cathe. She's the best! Good luck.
After doing weight training for years, I get bored easily so I like Power Hour. I like MIS too, but Power Hour is faster paced and mixes things up more so it goes by faster. I think Power Hour is more endurance since I can't use as mcuh weight as MIS, but I love it.
Okay, here comes my dumb question: I understand what people mean by "cardio" (I think it's the same thing we used to call "aerobics"). I understand, or thought I understood "strength", and I understand the concept of "flexibility". But what is "endurance"?? I want to get with the jargon. Thanks!
I would go with MIS if you are interested in building more strength. I have both and MIS is tougher in that it concentrates more on strength. You would definitely be happy with both videos if you can swing it $$$-wise.
I think that PH has tougher leg work (low ends make me cry) and MIS has tougher upper body work. Also, I really love the warm-up in PH; Cathe uses a light barbell (20lbs.)to give your muscles and motor neurons the message of what's coming up :-wow. Although I can't say that one workout is better than the other, I would lean towards Power Hour because it's a little shorter and newer.
Well, I'll chime in here. I received MIS on Saturday and did the workout. My quads were so sore 1/2 hour afterwards. But my Jury was still out on it. I thought the upper body work out was a little short except abs. I think one more set could have been thrown in for the arms and shoulders. I got PH today and did a fast forward and there was just something about it that clicked for me. It appears there are more sets for the upper body. Both are so similar, but I would lean toword PH.


Powerhour, Powerhour and Powerhour. I can't sing it's praises loud enough. I look forward to that workout every single time and feel fantastic once I'm finished. I can honestly say that it could very well be my favorite workout of all time. It's face paced, tough and fun, fun, fun! Yes, the low-ends make me cry too but it's nice to go through it with Cathe! You can read my other post called "Powerhour = FANTASTIC", which really expresses my love much better.

Don't get me wrong...MIS is still great and maaaaaay be better if you want to split it up, but I honestly haven't popped that tape in my VCR once since I got Powerhour.

Love it, love Cathe...love the results. It's a love festival when it comes to that workout! Yes, I think it's just THAT good!

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