which tape(s) would you suggest for me??


New Member
Hi. I would very much like to start using weights as a way to tone my muscles, build strenght and burn fat. I have about 75 - 100 lbs to lose. I have been exercising for a while now and have used dumbells occassionally. I would however like to use a video for guidance.

I have seen the reviews on the heavy and slow series, however they say they are for the advanced. I wander if I could use smaller weights and build up to the weights suggested. What type of barbell and step do you recommend? Any help or suggestions you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!

I think you could use the slow & heavy series with lighter weights. However, it would be my recommendation that you use some cardio a few times a week as well. With the amount of weight you want to lose, you should check out some of the posts with "clean eating" suggestions. They will be a big help.

Check out videofitness.com, fitprime.com And one last suggestion--KEEP COMING BACK HERE FOR ADVICE!!! You will find a great bunch of people here.

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
I would work up to Slow and Heavy. Perhaps start with Maximum Intensity Strength. You could do the whole tape at once, or divide it and do Lower Body one day, Upper Body the next. I started with CTX, then went to MIS, then PS, and finally Slow and Heavy. I am not saying that is the perfect way, but I really felt "ready" for S&H once I finally started doing them. I also agree with the previous thread, make sure to include some cardio. Do you have CTX? I HIGHLY recommend that series! Weight work and cardio all in 60 min. or less. And it is super fun too! Good luck to you - you can do it!
Hi Kim and welcome to the forum!

I think the best step out there is The Original Step because it is versatile, safe, and absorbs some shock. I have it and I love it.

The Reebok Step is also a big hit with some members of this forum. The Reebok Step is about 6 inches shorter in length than the Original Step, which makes it more difficult to use as a weight bench. Also, I don't believe the Reebok Step can be used at 4 inches for step aerobics, which is what you may want to start out with as a beginner.

As to the barbell, I think many people are ordering the Troy Lite barbell and plates. That barbell was featured in Cathe's CTX series and Power Hour, if not others. I have an old barbell with plates that have sand in them that I inherited from my sister. It works and it was free--a perfect combo for me! If you know someone who wants to get rid of their barbell, I suggest you snag it and make it your own!

I also think you should start out nice and easy with the weights and some lite cardio so you don't get discouraged. Maybe you could order MIs and use very light weights until you adjust two times per week. Then another two times per week, you could build up stamina by fast walking outside.

You may want to consider Cathe's "Wedding Video." It has some step aerobics in the beginning and then some light weight training in the last section. I'm not saying its easy, but you can modify!

Good luck and let us know how you make out.

I second starting with Cathe's Wedding Video. It's basic as far as choreography goes and if I remember correctly it uses only dumbells so you wouldnt have to rush out and buy a barbell. I dont have the Troy barbell, but I've heard it's a good purchase. As far as steps go, the previous post was correct, the lowest the Reebok step goes is 6 inches, so you may want to invest in the original The Step which goes as low as 4 inches. Please keep us posted on your progress!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-22-02 AT 04:58PM (Est)[/font][p]I have to agree with the suggestion about starting off with the Wedding Video.

I'm going to relate my own experience, although it may differ from how yours will be. I had already been working out for 3.5 years to Firm videos when I started off with Cathe's MIS at the lowest weight possible. I couldn't get halfway through the tape and ended up so discouraged I just quit working out for several weeks. I walked around all day with an "L" on my forehead. :) Just kidding, but you can imagine I was quite frustrated with myself after hearing others say Cathe's tapes are modifiable for beginners with light weights and I couldn't even accomplish what seemed the simplest of tasks.

Then I tried the Wedding Video, and was so proud of myself because I COULD do it. I was able to complete it because I wasn't a true beginner, but I still felt it was VERY challenging and did it another 4-6 times before attempting MIS again. I got 3/4 of the way through MIS this time and knew that it was okay to take this tape in shorter increments. After 2 months, I'm almost to what Cathe uses (at least for lower body) in regard to weight size, so once you start with either PS, S&H, MIS, PH, etc. you will progress, but it will take time if you haven't done any gym-style lifting before or are not used to this type of strength training. I just wanted to relate my experience because I feel it's important to start off with a video that you can do comfortably and one that's targeted for your own fitness level, or you may risk becoming discouraged otherwise, like I was. There is always the option of doing lower body one day and upper body the next, but again, there are a higher number of reps from what is contained in other, more beginner-oriented videos.

I don't think that Cathe's weight tapes can be used for beginners because of the number of reps, at least in my situation and with others that I've spoken to as well who have had experiences like I have had. So, just to re-iterate, I would most definitely start off with the Wedding Video.

Good luck!

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