Which picture?


We took 9 pics of Joey and Clyde. We want to order the picture Christmas cards this year. Please check 'em out in my picture trail in the "christmas pics" album and give me your vote for which one we should use by #!

Wendy, they are all fantastic. Good Golly Miss Molly he is SUCH a cutie pie. You and DH did very well!!!!!!!!!!!! All that being said I am putting in my vote for #2. Love that smile and those dimples are to die for :7
OMG!! They're all adorable! I would narrow it down to #2, #5, and #6. Also, some of those photo places can make Christmas cards with several thumbnail pictures. I have a friend who does a card like that every year with her 2 kids and it's really neat. That way you can use ALL of the pictures.

I really like 2 and 3. 3 is pretty funny. It's like Joey is covering Clyde's eyes like "Clyde do not look at that. That is a no-no." :) The one with both of them looking at the camera and Joey having a huge smile on his face is a great one. I vote for that one, I think it's 3. I just finished doing IMax so my oxygen is used up a bit. :p

1,2, or 3. He's just so darn adorable I understand why you're having a hard time deciding. Oh, and the dogs pretty cute too-I can't believe he just lets Joey do what he want.

Oh, and thanks for making me think that I better get going on our Christmas cards too. :eek: :)
OMG!! He is just toooo cute!!!! I cannot even pick one!! :) They are all adorable.

I just noticed the pics of you and Sandy!! You both look awesome!!!!!
TY Dani! You are so sweet! :*

Well, I just placed my order for the cards! :+ :7 :+

Tomorrow is picture day at Sears too! This poor kid is going to run from the camera after this!!! Well, if he COULD run, that is!:p
I like #'s 1 and 4.

Being the animal lover here, I have to say that your dog is so sweet and tender with the baby!
I agree with most of the gals.5 & 2 are the best. Your dog must be so well behind.I think Joey is really going to be pulling some fur soon:eek: :)
They are all so cute...Ok check this out

#1: Don't look doggie they are hiding presents..Oh u got some good stuff...

#2 Yeah cookies!

#3 turn this way for the camera

#4 Lets go for a ride...wheeeeeeee

#5 Stop right there buddy..he just fell asleep..

#6 It's ok I had too much turkey too..burp...fart...

#7 Oh man..more green bean cassorole...whats a baby to do?

#8 Who is longer me or him?

#9 What U talkin bout..neither one of is ready for bed...
I know you already ordered, but I agree with your choice of #2! They are so fantastic. THANK YOU for always sharing your photos. Your two sons are too cute and wonderful, I can't hardly stand it!!
LMAO Denise! I'm gonna have to go back in and put a caption to the pics! :7 :7 :7

Christine, thank you.
Clyde is WONDERFUL w/Joey!!!
The only issues are that sometimes Clyde can be harsh with his paws (not in a mean way, just doesn't realize) and he also wants to get TOO close to Joey and literally tries to lay his 75 pound body right on top of the poor kid! LOL I'm surprised he laid so nice w/o getting super excited during the picture taking!:+
For a christmas card I like #2., but I just love his expression in #1.
He is just so cute!!


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