Which one works best: Last series or the one before?


Active Member
Hi there!

I'm about to get married!! Exactly 4 weeks from yesterday, May 31st. And I've reached my goal weight! The only thing is that I would still like a bit more muscle definition in arms, legs and particularly abs.

I have the two last series in their entirety: BG-BM2-DM-LIC and the 4 Day Dplit.
Which series would you recommend to follow, if all I want to do is tone up, not so much lower my weight? Have you tried them both?? Should I follow one of the rotations Cathe built for each series introduction? Or should I mix them up?

I also have a sationary bike at home, so I could mix and match... but I don't know where to start... And I would like to start tomorrow morning.

Any suggestions?
Thanks as always!
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and reaching your goal weight! As far as which series will help you get better definition, that's kind of tricky because some people do better with circuits for leaning out and others do better with heavy wts.

I personally am not crazy about 4DS because the cardio isn't terribly intense (but I'm a cardio queen) and I don't like heavy weights (call me a weinie!). Re: abs, the previous series has 4 fantastic, really varied ab workouts (2 on B&G, 1 on LIC and 1 on BM2) while 4DS has 2. I would vote for previous series in a big way. It's just a lot more versatile and every workout (and premix) is a winner.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Okay, I would go with 4DS. You just lift as heavy as you can, you don't have to match Cathe. Because the cardio isn't as intense, you become really defined. I got great results with the 4DS, and I've been subbing with the cardio every week since. No matter how many times I do it, its not boring, but fun, fun, fun!! The kickbox is my favorite kickbox of Cathes!!

Congrats on your weight loss and your upcoming marriage!
I think this is one that you will get a different answer depending on whom you ask. I think the 2006 series works better for me. I like lifting heavy, but I do better with more cardio and circuits.
Everyone is different as far as what type of workouts work for them. It took me awhile to figure that out. It is heavy weight training and less cardio for me. So I would definatly go with the 4DS:)
RE: Which one works best: Last series or the one before...

>Everyone is different as far as what type of workouts work
>for them.

[font color=purple]I agree!

I just started phase 2 of P90X and am also finding that heavier lifting and less cardio is working for me.

Congrats on reaching your goal weight and your upcoming wedding.


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