Which one to buy? I need help deciding...


Active Member
My DH tells me I can have one of the following groups...of course I want them all. I thought maybe you could help me decide 1)PS or S&H, 2) CTX Express DVD or the Intensity series DVD or CardioKick & CircuitMax. I don't know what to get..any help or opinions would be helpful.:+
Definitely the Intensity Series DVD. They have so many pre-mixes on them that you can create your own workouts. It's great. Second choice is CTX series. :)
Listen to tsut! She is a wise woman!

My only fear is that the Intensity Series is so incredible, it'll ruin you for all other workouts. I know it ruined me! So fun...so fun...so fun!:+
My vote also for the Intensity DVD's; the premixes are great, and The Terminator is also a great value!

And . . . work on DH to flex up a bit so that you can get the others you want! As much as I like The Intensity Series, there are so many other Lovable Cathe workouts that you can't stop with just one, even if 'one' is a whole series!


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