Which of these 3 Cathe videos are the hardest?


Which of these 3 videos are the hardest:

From 1 to 3, with 1 beging the hardest.

Thanks! A

I think you have it listed correctly right in your post! I feel like Rythmic Step is the "least hard" of the 3, the choreography is challenging at first, but the routine flies once you learn it!I-Max, is the toughest, actually, I have to make so many modifications that when I do that tape I refer to it as I-min! All are good though and I think you would enjoy all 3!
For some reason CMax is harder than IMax for me. Maybe because I've only done it a few times. Both are killer though! Rhythmic Step get pretty intense at the end too.

I agree that CM is harder than Imax.

Rhythmic Step was the hardest to learn, not the hardest intensity-wise.
1. Interval Max
2. Rhythmic Step
3. Circuit Max (I use slightly lower weights than Cathe.)

The power segments are super tough in IMAX.

For some reason RS just seems to go on and on for me. I think it has a lot or pressure on the balls of the feet more so than the heels and that is what really gets to me. Still, I love the patterns. I tend to just break this tape up into two parts.

Ooh-love Circuit Max too! One of my all time favorites! It is tough, but the variety breaks it up for me. It just seems easier to finish than RS. Maybe if I matched Cathe's weight...

For the record, I'd put Body Max as number 2, but it wasn't on your list! (I don't have MIC [yet!])

I read this and am amazed at how some of you guys think Circuit Max is harder than IMAX! I don't even know how that could be possible. All the jumping moves in IMAX make it by far harder for me. But, I do agree that there are a lot of similarities. I also notice that BodyMax cardio is similar to some of the IMAX moves. But jeez, I can almost easily finish CM, but after about 10 plyohop-jump things in IMAX...well, can you say LACTIC ACID?? Maybe my poor fast twich fibers are out of shape, eh??

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