hello people,
i would like to start a training program and i dont know which of cathe's toning tapes to start with. i am a high intermediate/low advanced exerciser.as i already mentioned in the subject line, i would like to achieve a toned rather than bulky physique. should i do PS series, Slow and Heavy or Power Hour? Or maybe the strength portions of Bodymax and MIS? Or should I just do the FIRM? i read a lot of rotations here but i dont know which one to do since i dont know which rotation will give a leaner rather than muscular look.is it also important to change rotations regularly? please help. thanks a lot.
i would like to start a training program and i dont know which of cathe's toning tapes to start with. i am a high intermediate/low advanced exerciser.as i already mentioned in the subject line, i would like to achieve a toned rather than bulky physique. should i do PS series, Slow and Heavy or Power Hour? Or maybe the strength portions of Bodymax and MIS? Or should I just do the FIRM? i read a lot of rotations here but i dont know which one to do since i dont know which rotation will give a leaner rather than muscular look.is it also important to change rotations regularly? please help. thanks a lot.