Which modification is best? Need opinions please!


I started back with Cathe DVDs after a long (6+ mos) of total inactivity in January. I started out slow but a couple of weeks ago I started to have knee pain. I went to the doctor last week and she said it is my IT Band causing pain. She told me to lay off the impact and not to do any exercise that hurts for 6 weeks. And of course to stretch a lot to try to improve flexibility.

So here is my question...I can't do full lunges and squats, weighted or not. Anytime I go into a full squat or lunge I have pain in my knee. So I am trying to decide if it's better to forgo squats and lunges entirely and do more isolated work (like the floor work and stability ball work on pyramid lower body) or if I should continue to do the weighted squats and lunges but only go into the movement as far as I can with no pain.

I know that typically squats and lunges are best but my muscles don't even feel fatigued when I do them with a limited range of motion. When I do the isolated moves I do get fatigued and have DOMS. So what do you think, go with the modified compound moves or give them up for 6 weeks or so until my IT Band/knee gets better?

Any advice you can give is appreciated!!

Now is the time to go with the isolated moves your doctor suggested. Also, do you have gym membership or access to a gym? You could do leg training with machines and since that does not involve having your entire body weight on both or ether legs while performing the exercises, you might find that you can do them without pain. I have to tell you though that physical therapy exercises, pilates related exercises and the isolated moves you mention which have been cribbed from both pt and pilates, most likely, can keep you in very good shape and yes, they cause DOMS too because they work stabilizer muscles, work the core, work muscles in isolation that you are not used to and that's a good thing.

Check out ITBS on runnersworld.com and research there and see what treatments you can see recommended. Runners know all about ITBS and how to treat it. Also, go to youtube and research ITBS and you will see specific and very good stretches that will help you and how to use the foam roller to really get rid of this irritation.

Can you walk? Cycle? Do pilates? All of these things will keep your legs in shape. You don't have to do squats and lunges to have great legs. Two years ago I did 4 weeks of physio, no squats or lunges in sight, just machines and pilates/pt isolated moves and by the end, my legs were in the best shape ever!

Good luck,

I would go see a certified athletic therapist or a physiotherapist and get a proper course of treatment. I had ITBS starting in December and by the end of February it was gone. I didn't really follow the physiotherapist's instructions - I did a lot of foam rollering, but not a lot of stretching and I did a lot of heavy strength work a few times a week instead of the endurance work she wanted me to do every day - but it worked for me. Oh, and the physiotherapist did have me doing squats and lunges - not with a lot of weight, but I did forward and backward lunges instead of the static lunges I prefer and she had me doing moving squats instead of static squats. All to work on my balance and medial glute. I did a lot of isolation work with my legs, like rear leg raises and what I call leg swooshes (Jari Love did them in her first Ripped workout and my god they work!) and other kinds of leg raises. I didn't run for a few weeks, and then my physiotherapist told me to keep running, as long as the pain doesn't get above a 4/10. She didn't want me to stop working out, just modify to do things that didn't cause pain. So I danced, ran, did Insanity, weightlifting, etc.
So what do you think,go with the modified compound moves or give them up for 6 weeks or so until my IT Band/knee gets better?


In one word, YES. It's better to be safe then sorry. Take your Dr.'s advice.
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