
Hi everyone!! I am wondering which one is a better cardio workout for weight loss, The Imax / cardio & Weights or the Step, Jumo & pump with step blast? Thanks

IMax 2 is my all-time favorite workout! It is a BLAST!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I like Imax2 the most of the 4 workouts, but CW is so easy I never ever use it, except for the abs workout. I do like the CW sequences on the Terminators, and sometimes I use the CW all step premix as a cardio warmup to a leg workout.

The StepBlast workout is really fun and reasonably tough. I also use the premixes. I don't do SJP as is, but I do the all cardio premix sometimes, and I like the SJP weight work in the Timesaver workouts.

So, I'm not really answering your question am I? x(

Truthfully, I wish you could choose Imax2 and StepBlast, and skip the other two.

But if I were you, knowing what I know, I would get IMax2 just because it is so great, and the BlastMania premix is such a wonderful HIIT workout, and the abs in CW is good. But either way is good. I have a mild mild preference for the IMax2/CW one.
Hi Christina,

Wow, tough decision. I guess I would go with Imax2/CW because of the interval workout which is good to include in a weightloss program.

I say GET THEM ALL! They are all just different enough that they will shake your system up and help you with weight loss! You'll probably get them all eventually anyway - why wait? :) :)

"Truthfully, I wish you could choose Imax2 and StepBlast, and skip the other two."

I have to agree with Liane here! I could live happily without SJP in my life. I hardly ever use it. I like Cardio & Weights though and use it a lot for days when I want to move but not kill myself. Imax 2 is terriffic and Step Blast is a personal fave of mine. There's hardly anythng about it I don't like, and if you are a step fan, you will have to get SB at some point in time. But I think, you might be better off with the Imax 2 DVD for now and get the other later, if you really cannot afford both right now.

I have them both but haven't used Step Blast that much yet. But Imax2 I use a lot and it is great!! By the end of the workout, my legs are exhausted. So I definitely think this is great for weight loss. I think it is the 9th interval that really kills me!
I love IMAX 2 too but it is tought and I think for weigt loss is better to mantain the intensity during more than 60 minutes, and If you buy the dvd with SB you have just two cardio workouts. I know that SJP has weight segments but using the premixes you have 90 minutes of cardio step and hi/low together.On Sunday I have done this premix and it has been a fun challenge to me.For weight loss the two dvd are awesome.
How is the choreography in SB/SJP? I've been eyeing this one also, but the moves look a bit dancy. I like the fun stuff, but not stuff so dancy that it kills the intensity (as in a zillion mambo cha cha's and walking around the board) or it takes a bunch of times to get it right. How would you rate the choreo of this tape?
The choreography in SJP is easy - In fact, I can do the entire step routine without one modification( I can't do dancy stuff - for example - I can not figure out Christi at all. I find Cathe's athletic style easier to figure out and modify).

I sometimes do the step portion on the floor when I just want an easy and fun workout. The hi/lo is easy - I do it on the rebounder because it is very high impact.

Step Blast is a little more complicated. I've just started working on it - it is doable, however - I'm finding it easy to learn and easy to figure out modifications. The music is just so fun that it makes me want to keep working on it - I'm trying to learn one combo at a time from the Timesaver DVD before putting it all together.

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