Which Classics workout first?

I just got my Classics DVD. I'm fairly new at step and I'm trying to decide which workout to start with, Step Heat or Step Max. Step Heat is shorter and Cathe's catalog says it is often used by steppers new to Cathe, but Step Max is older and I've read on this forum that people recommend starting with her oldest first since she introduces the movements sequentially. Does anyone have a suggestion for me?

I should probably wait for the B/I DVDs (I pre-ordered all 3) to arrive, but I'm too excited about my new workouts! (I got MIS/PH/BodyMax too!)

BTW, I picked these based on suggestions from many of you- I want to thank you all for the help! My next purchases will probably be PS, Cardio Hits and the Body Blasts.

Thanks again!
Goodness these both are fun. I started with Step Heat back in '96 and it is always a favorite of mine. Step Max is great too. Why don't you just view them both and decide from there you can always modify or go back to a section or even slow mo it to get the steps down. After doing them awhile the steps will be a piece of cake ;)
Step Max is great, but the third section is a killer unless you have good endurance in the legs. The first two sections would be a good place to start though. Step Heat is shorter in total, but the first section is 25-30 minutes long without stopping. The second section is short but has the heel jack, turn move. So my advice would be to start with the earlier sections of both workouts and them move on. Owning the DVD makes this really easy.

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