which CIA is best?


Hello everyone. i have all of cathe's videos now and am waiting (not so patiently =0) ) for the new ones to arrive. i was wondering if anyone could recommend a good cia video with step, hi/low, and/or kickboxing for just a change until the new videos come out. since i have been training with cathe's videos, i much enjoy high intensity and a workout that gives a good sweat!!! look forward to hearing from anyone who can shed some light!!
The one I like

I don't have many CIA videos, but I do like 9801 with Christi Taylor. It really gets me sweating, and the choreography is complex, so it keeps me thinking. I also just got 2K01(I think) called Step and Strike with Gay Gasper. It's not as complex as 9801, but the music is great, and it has some kicking and punching mixed in with some pretty good step. The choreography is pretty simple, but I can really push myself and get a great workout. It also has a hi/lo section, too, but I don't like it as much as the other. Hope this helps. I hope to get more CIA tapes as well.

CIA vids

9801 (hi/lo and step) is a must if you like dancy and complex choreography-and it's fun! 9905 (hi/lo and step) by Franny B. is awesome, a little more athletic and is very intense. 2K01 with Gay G. is fun, not as intense; 2K02 (?) with Mindy M. is fun-it's a throw back to PE and sports conditioning-a very intense and non-traditional workout; 2K03 (?) with Jacklyn is a very intense kickboxing workout...very intense. Another good kickbox vid. by CIA is 9907 KickIt with Janis Saffell. I think I'm "addicted" to exercise vids...but I can't wait for Cathe's new ones!
good luck!
I second 2K02...


I would definitely recommend Mindy Mylrea's Slammin' Sports Cardio if you're in search of a super-intense, sporty, athletic, challenging workout that satisfies in length as well. It's 10 minutes of a good warm-up on the step, then 45 minutes of stepping(that includes some work off the step, too), 25 minutes of specific sports conditioning(with a resistance band), and then a final 10-minute cooldown and stretch. When I finished this tape, I was really impressed with my endurance level.

The only other CIA video I have is 2K04(Kicked-up Step), but I haven't tried it yet. All reviews I've read have been quite positive, though, so I can't wait to give it a shot!

Take care,
Lots of good ones

If you are looking for a mixture of hi/lo, step and kickboxing, I would also have to go with 9905 and 2K01. If you would like to try some tapes with pure kickboxing, I second the other votes for 9907 and 2K03. 2K03 hasn't gotten a lot of publicity, but for those who like ultra tough workouts, this fits the bill.

Sharon H.

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