Awwwww... thank you, ladies. It's nice to be missed. You're right, Wendy. I stopped coming around after all that ugliness. Can't possibly be healthy for me or anyone else, ya know? ;-) Also, I've been sick. Still am. The only reason I'm here is that I have the time to lurk now that I'm sick. It's strep, people! Not pretty.
And Shelley's right, too. Lots of other things are taking much of my time right now. I'm setting my sights on getting back to design work slowly, and on MY terms. My son's moving up in swimming and just signed up for baseball... then there's gymnastics in the summer... then we have trips overseas planned... Don't know if those will push through.
I miss you too, Michelle, Robin, Sooooooosan.
You can always e-mail me if you want.
And Rogue, if you're out there... damn! I miss ya, too.