Where to begin?

Suz in NZ

I have been working out to various different workouts for about three months now, and have just found out about Cathe. There are so many DVD's to choose from my head is spinning:eek:
I guess I'd be an intermediate exerciser - I've worked out to quite a few of 'The Firm' workouts and have now met the challenge of them.
Can someone tell me if the beginner rotation that Cathe mentions be a good place to start? or would something like the HardCore 3, Gym style series be too much?
Welcome! That's about all I can say because I didn't even know that Cathe had beginner stuff when I found her! I went from the Firm to her LowMax and it about killed me for 4 months!!!

I will leave the logistics to those better in the know, but I wanted to welcome you all the same!
Hi and welcome.

Cathe's beginner step work outs are very helpful to learn the basic choreography she uses in her step work outs. If you are not well-versed in step you may want to check them out even if they are physically too easy for you.

Beyond that it really depends on what you want. The Body Blast series would probably be the next step in difficulty. They are great work outs and I think you will find the challenge you are looking for...

Have fun choosing and good luck! :)
Welcome to Cathe world :)

I would check out Cathe's official beginner rotation under the rotations board. That will give you some good ideas right there!


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Welcome! I certainly wouldn't jump right in to the Hardcores. They really ARE hardcore.:) I agree that the Body Blast series is a good one, or even CTX. Just to warn you, you'll end up with all of them eventually.;)
Cathe is beginning to sound like she becomes an addiction:) At least it sounds like her workouts take people to their limits! I have reached the end of all my old workouts now. Just did one of my Firm tapes this morning and it didn't even really challenge me; and I heavied up on the weights too. I'm feeling excited about trying Cathe out.
You may also want to check out the "Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts" which is stickied to the top of the Video & DVD discussion board. It will give you some idea of where the workouts rank in regards to each other. (The new set is not on there but otherwise the rest of the workouts are.)

Personally, I think it also depends on what you like to do and what it is you want to accomplish. Are you looking for cardio? weight training? core work? do you like step, hi-lo, or kickboxing? do you like circuit workouts or do you prefer to split cardio/weights? if you want strength work, are you ready for a 3-day split or is it better for you to do a full body or 2-day split? If you can answer some of those questions, we might be able to help more!

Good luck!
Well...that's an excellent question! I suddenly realise I have just been going throught the motions of working out, without any guiding vision for myself. I also realise how little I know about what I am doing!
However, I do know I will need something like a Step workout - I do have to watch my knees though, they feel a bit odd the next day after doing step workouts (no pain though)...you see, there is a three story-high sand bank not too far from where I live that nearly killed my unfit body some years back...I'm determined to go back and kill that sandbank and have the last laugh!!;) ); that aside, I thoroughly love weight training (now is that somehow different to strength? excuse my ignorance, your question made me realise I know practically nothing); and lastly, I don't do enough cardio.
More questions (sorry, hope you don't mind) what is a circuit, and 2/3 day split? I need to insert a smilie with a red blushing face here!
Strength training and weight training are the same thing.:)

A circuit is a workout that combines weight training and cardio in a circuit format (you do some cardio, then work a body part, do some more cardio, work another body part). A 2/3 day split is where instead of doing all your weight training at once, you split it up into separate days. For instance, chest and triceps one day, and then back/shoulders/bis a couple of days later.

I never thought I would end up with all of them when I first started with Low Max back in early 2005.

I was wrong.

I hope you enjoy the workouts!!! Stick with them if you ever become frustrated- you will get them quickly and learn to just love Cathe and her crew!! We're around all the time, too, for added support and fun!!:7
Shelley already answered your questions, but I wanted to add, if you are new to weight training (or strength training, same thing), you probably want to start with a full-body weight workout (such as Muscle Endurance or Muscle Max, although neither is easy!); if you've been lifting for a while, you'll likely want to go to the two-day split (that would be upper body one workout, lower body the next, such as the Pyramids). A three-day split is generally implemented when you are getting to the point where you can really heavy-up on the weights (the Gym Styles).

It's good to have a mix of weight training and cardio, so if I was you, I would probably start with the Pyramids (it's a 2-day split but there are a variety of premixes that let you work the body in different ways. If you want step cardio but don't have a lot of stepping expertise, you may want to start with the Basic Step/Body Fusion workout. This one makes it really easy to move on to Cathe's other step workouts. If you're really experienced with step, you may want to jump right in with Step Blast or Rhythmic Step (choreo may be tough at first, though). A lot of people like to start with Cardio Hits since this is Cathe's older stuff and she breaks it down more minutely. That's only if you don't mind dated sets and such, though. :) HOWEVER HOWEVER HOWEVER, if you want to try something besides step, consider the KPC/Legs & Glutes. This was actually my first Cathe and while it kicked my butt, it is loads of fun and very athletic.

Hope we aren't confusing you more! I remember plotting out the order in which I was going to get all of the Cathe's, and I ended up getting most of them in about six months!

Have fun!
Hi Suz. Also wanted to welcome you to the craziness that is Cathe and to say - prep your wallet. Once you get the hang of one or two - you're cooked. You will own -and love - them all eventually!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Welcome Suz! (That is my twin sister's nickname...Susan is her real name) I see you have gotten great advice already. I just want to ditto the fact that before long, you will own each & every Cathe! Have FUN and keep us posted on how you are doing.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I was actually wondering about jumping in to something more advanced...but I have been worried about how I would get on with any fancy footwork. How did you get on with the footwork? Does Cathe have lots of fancy moves?
I am also new to Cathe and started with her beginner dvd's. I consider myself an intermediate exerciser but haven't been able to do step aerobics for many years due to an ankle injury. I was able to do the firm however. I personally found Cathe step challenging but the beginner weight workout was too easy. It was easy to adapt however with heavier weights and if I needed extra sets I paused the DVD.

Sorry if this reply is too late to be of much help. We had a big windstorm here in the Pacific Northwest last Thursday and we just now got our power back.

Hi Diana,

Your reply is not too late. I plan on putting in my order in the next day or so. Thanks.
Now, when you mention Cathe step, do you mean her Basic Step + Body Fusion DVD? and also, which DVD do you mean is the beginner weight workout? My apologies for more silly questions.
>Hi Diana,
>Your reply is not too late. I plan on putting in my order in
>the next day or so. Thanks.
>Now, when you mention Cathe step, do you mean her Basic Step +
>Body Fusion DVD? and also, which DVD do you mean is the
>beginner weight workout? My apologies for more silly

The weight workouts I'm talking about are on the add-ons on Basic Step and Body Fusion DVD and Total Body Sculpting on the Low Impact Circuit/step DVD (can't remember official name). I called them the beginner weight and step workouts as Cathe uses them in the beginner rotation she has posted in the rotation forum. When I was researching and reviewing it seems that a lot of people outgrow these DVD's quickly but are excellent for learning her choreography. I'm not too concerned about outgrowing any workout as I believe you can always modify to get what you need. I also spent quite a bit of time going through the video clips on her site which helped me to choose what to order.


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