Where is Low Impact Step in Ultimate Guide?


Hi all! I am new to Cathe's videos and just got the Original Health Club step, Low Max DVD and Low Impact Step DVD. I reviewed the Ultimate Guide to see how the DVD's are rated (wish I had seen this before!) and did not see Low Impact step rated anywhere on the list.

Any reason why?

Also, would you all consider Low Impact Step and the Low Max to be good "intro" DVD's? (Hope so, since I already ordered them, and the only one I thought that was really labeled beginner was the Basic Step and Body Fusion, which I skipped past).

i believe b/c the guide was made before low impact step was released.

i haven't done low impact step but its recommened for beginner/intermediate levels. low-max is a great workout but don't get discouraged by the choreography. the steps take a few tries to learn but could be intermediate level even though its labled as advanced. its a really great workout


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Hi Cass!

Low Impact Step is one Cathe's newest DVD. I believe the Ultimate Guide was created before this w/o and it hasn't been incorporated into the guide yet. Low Impact Step is a good place to start. The only thing low, though, about LowMax is low impact. It is a very challenging and tough workout. Gets me every time. I love that workout, a real calorie burner. I believe it is a good choice to go with your LIS. Good luck. Let us know how you like them after you've done them. Check in with us on the Daily Checkin on the Open Discussion forum and let us know what w/o's you are doing. :)
Thanks for the replies! I have not yet even attempted the LoMax DVD, since many seem to think it is a more advanced workout. But BOY! Do I feel like a moron just doing the Low Impact Step w/o! Some of these steps are tough. "Around the world"? I am going all "around the room!" trying to figure that one out! My DVD has a slow motion feature, but it is almost too slow. Would love to see these steps broken down more easily. Oh well. I am a newbie to step, so I am not surprised that this is tougher than I thought. Even though I am fit, doesn't mean I am coordinated! :)

I will make another attempt at it today!!!!


have your tried the premixes. low-max has the option of doing only few of the intervals and you could just watch those over then try a few times. once you get the terms and foot placement down its all cake work from there. if you have fittv just turn it on when cathe is on and just catch some of the moves. its how i learned some of the moves.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
>have your tried the premixes. low-max has the option of doing
>only few of the intervals and you could just watch those over
>then try a few times. once you get the terms and foot
>placement down its all cake work from there. if you have fittv
>just turn it on when cathe is on and just catch some of the
>moves. its how i learned some of the moves.
>Thanks! I will see if we have FITTV.


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