Where is everyone buying their Bikini's?


I am shopping around for some bikini's? I would like to have a couple for the summer and was wondering where everyone is shopping for theirs. I have one from Victoria's so far.
I second the vote for "Venus". I've been buying from them for probably 17-18 years or more. The quality is great, and it's so easy to find one that fits! :D
Wow...those Venus bikinis are nice, but alas I am too cheap!! I have gotten some nice ones at Target and you can mix and match the sizes and styles. I have found some also at T J Maxx, in fact the one I am wearing in my pic is from T J Maxx...:)...Carole
Thanks for the Venus link.

Dani--that is a cute bikini

Mckmain--I looked at Target but they didn't have much. I don't think they have much of their stock out yet since they are redoing the whole store. They just put in a Starbucks (too bad I don't drink coffee)! I will have to look again. Thanks for the suggestions!:) I will have to see where there is a TJ Maxx. I do like the one you are wearing!
I have had luck finding a nice selection at Lazarus/Macy's.

Listen to this...I am as picky as any chick when it comes to bikinis. I go to "Everything but Water" a few years ago and after hours of shopping/trying on, I fall in love with one that ran me $88.00. I asked about sales and they said they NEVER have sales. I bought it but felt sick about the price. I wandered over to Lazarus (where I parked) and decided to check what they had...for fun! The had the SAME ONE...total price...$41 with tax! I RAN back to "Everything but Water" to return my purchase...I couldn't have been happier! I'll never step foot in there again!

I am wearing it in my picture trail.
Sarah!! I have that same exact brown bikini!! I even wore it on my honeymoon in Mexico. I bought it on sale at Gaylan's last summer which is now owned by Dick's Sporting Goods!! The bottoms are the mini shorts though but it's the same bikini!!

It all depends. Last year I found some great cheap bathing suits at H&M. They sell the tops and bottoms separate and they are $9.99 each. You can't beat that.

I also got two really nice ones at Nellies (they are a small bathing suit only shop at the mall in Hyannis-Cape Cod Mass.) They have an awesome selection but aren't cheap. I spent $220 for two bathing suits. The funny thing is they did not hold up any better than the cheaper ones through many wears/washes.

I was in Target today and they had a huge selection. I was with DH and he would not let me stop and look at them x(

He leaves for a business trip tomorrow so I think I will be going back this week ;-) Don't tell.

Boston Proper has really nice suits. I bought two and the cover ups are great. I got the white crochted bikini w/ matching cover-up & love it!
Another vote for Venus. Pricey but wonderful quality suits! And nicely padded tops for us smaller, sagging a little folks..;-)
I won't be buying a bikini this year. I've decided to go with the one piece, starting at the neck and going to the ankles.;)
>I won't be buying a bikini this year. I've decided to go
>with the one piece, starting at the neck and going to the


I bought a few at VS, Strawbridges and Macy's. I did see one at Bebe I may consider buying.


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