Where is Everybody?


I was just reading through some old threads and realized how many people are missing. I think I started coming to this site around Jan/Feb 2005, which was after my 3rd baby was born. I got a step for xmas and it came with a Cathe w/o. That is how I found out about her website.

Anyway, I just remember some of the people who used to be here, but I don't see them very much anymore or at all. When I first started coming here these people stuck out and I really enjoyed their posts:

Sabrina (Haven't seend her is a while)
Missy (I miss you!)

BTW, I always enjoyed Shelley and Wendy's (fitmom) posts as well, but you two are still here!! For some reason these names always stuck out to me when I first started reading the threads. Maybe it is because they post (or posted) a lot :)

I know there are more. But, I noticed these people when I was looking at old posts. So....where did they go?

Hey Sara.

Your post gave me the warm fuzzies. Thanks girl! The feeling is mututal. :)

I remember Sabrina, Missy and Pinky and miss them too. Maybe they will see your post and pop in to say hello.
Yes, a lot of people are MIA. Aside from the women you mentioned, I also miss Melody, Sparrow, Robin, and Marie. This place just isn't the same without them. :-(

I remember I was so impressed with you because you were pregnant and doing all of these Cathe w/o's. I thought that was so awesome!!! I enjoyed following your pregnancy, birth, and all that followed!

And, I remember Shelley always stuck out to me because her posts were great (funny!!!). Her posts are still fun to read!

Sara, I STILL sometimes wonder how I did that-exercising 6 days a week while preggo! OMG! LOL

Michele, I remember and miss those ladies as well. :-(

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