Where has Cathe been?


Have I missed something, or does it seem Cathe has been gone for a while without posting why? Anyone know? I am just surprised that she doesn't seem to be posting at all.
It seems the whole business of Cathe.com is having 'issues' of late. There have been many problems with orders, and not being able to keep Dvd's in stock...there just is no excuse for that other than poor business management by someone on the staff.

They should reconsider having the 'Ask Cathe' forum if there isn't going to be any responses by Cathe herself. That just looks bad.
Seems like she's not been answering much at all on Ask Cathe. Maybe it should be renamed? ;-)
But you might notice that someone's keeping an eye on the forum, as some critical threads disappear very quickly!
Actually, Cathe is on the way over to my house right now. We're going to have a light dinner and then we're going to work out in my basement for awhile and then brainstorm her next workout creation. We might go to Dairy Queen for dessert afterwards.

I've had a hankerin for a Peanut Buster Parfait but when I think about the amount of calories...and how many "Stop Me Before I Mish-Mosh" workouts I'll have to do to burn that off...I keep driving right on by! :D
Speaking of mish-moshes....Shelley suggested a mish-mosh to try tonight - my first one - and I'm really looking forward to it!! If I don't post anything tomorrow, please call the paramedics. Thanks.

I think that it is crazy when people get on here and start slamming Cathe. If you are unhappy with Cathe or her website than simply find another forum to post in. Cathe is a very busy woman with two children, a health club, and a huge video empire. I know that with my own schedule I could never answer the e-mails that she gets. Give Cathe a break!
>I think that it is crazy when people get on here and start
>slamming Cathe.

Huh?? I don't see any "slamming" here. I think we're just making light that Cathe is busy and we know it. Between the new gym, hiring of new staff for gym, plus classes, plus family.... we know.
I'm constantly looking for Cathe to sign on and answer questions, but I know she can’t be everywhere all the time. Since she hasn't been on lately, I'm not sure a May rotation will even be posted.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
She was at my house yesterday. She drops by from time to time to get form pointers or to just workout in my home gym (which is much better equipped than her health club).:p
I personally am not trashing Cathe. I've been lurking and posting on these boards for over a year. Only during the filming was she so abscent from the Ask Cathe forum. I was just wondering if she posted she would be on hiatus for a while, like she has in the past. Has nothing to do with bashing her on my end.
That's funny. I just don't feel the NEED to have Cathe here every day. I guess I don't have dependency issues.

And, quite frankly, 80% of the questions that are asked could be looked up by doing a search as the same critical questions are asked very often here.

It is unusual for her to be gone so long without posting a reason but she has a life like the rest of us:)

I just hope she and her family are well.
Oh all right, I confess. She's with me. She doesn't seem to mind the cramped quarters, and I take the duct tape off so she can eat. D'OH - I've said too much. But I really wanted my own personal trainer!!!!

Oh, Shelley

Please make her do 200 push ups and keep telling her, "You can do it!"
Oh, yes, and make her do a standard plank for at least 30 minutes and when she winces, tell her "Yes, you can!".


P.S. Also please add 500 walking lunges with 25 lb dumbells. That ought to do it!

P.S.S. No, just thought of another. Please add 300 low end squats with a 100 lb barbell. And then tell her, "Did I say they were my favorite...no they're your favorite".

Okay, I feel better :)

Please make sure she is doing the "drop set" pushups from GS CT, just to make me happy...
>That's funny. I just don't feel the NEED to have Cathe here
>every day. I guess I don't have dependency issues.
I'm sorry are you trying to say I have dependency issues? I think that is a rather rude comment on your part. It was just a curious question on my part. Not sure why you felt to be so catty to me. She did have a friend, I believe, pass away in the last few months and has been busy w/the new videos. I was just wondering if she had posted why she isn't on. She didn't, fine with me if she wants to keep why private. But seeing as I don't have a personal life dependency on this board I don't have time to read every post so I thought maybe I missed something. Geez I guess I can't ask a question w/out being personally attacked by some members for whatever personal reasons are bothering them. Don't worry I won't ask what your problem is today, I'll leave it be.

My comment had nothing to do with your post nor was it directed at you. If you think it was, please accept my apology.

I was also wondering where she's been but I know she is an extremely busy woman with two small children and opening a new huge gym and I am assuming she's tending to those things. I just hope she is fine and no one in her family is ill.

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