Where do you find a good nutritionist?


New Member
I have been thinking about consulting a nutritionist to finally get my eating together. Does anyone have any ideas on where I should look for one? I don't want to just pick one out of the phone book at random unless I have to.

good place to look

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-99 AT 08:21AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-99 AT 06:28 PM (EST)

Hi Linda,
Naturopathic doctors are good place to look for nutritional advise. They focus on whole/natural foods and how they fuel your body. I started seeing one 3 years ago just for nutritional guidance and she changed my life. I was lucky to have a friend recommend her to me. Hopefully you will have good luck in your search.

Hi Linda! If you really want to learn all about nutrition please go into the website for joycevedral.com and check out her Eat To Trim book. It's loaded w/marvelous recipes and teaches you everything you need to know about nutrition. Also check out another website for global-fitness.com. They too have marvelous recipes and in joyce's book she gives a load full of snacks. She's done wonders for men and women across the country. Do not buy the carbo addicts book that has been promoted on the Oprah Winfrey show. This teaches you nothing about nutrition and you won't be able to do your workouts w/intensity on this kind of a diet. Oh I really HATE the word diet! Let me know what you think of her website and Cathe is such a terrific person for allowing us to talk about this subject and for recommending other websites. Take care, KathyH

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