Where do I start?



I would like to start working out with weights again and was wondering where to start.
I'm 54 with a slow metabolism.
Should I start with the Slow and Heavy Series or the Hardcore Series?
I hope it's not too late for me to start. I tend to stick with step and just plain old walking and I'm finding that it's not enough.
I also would like to mix things up and do some low impact kickboxing moves in my routines, as well. Any recommendations?
I have two of Cathe's dvd's and love her as an instructor. I want to start and build up my library of Cathe.

Welcome Joss, nice to have you on the boards. I'm sure someone will give you some answers with weight w/o selections. I love Cathe's kickboxing, I own KM, KPC, and just recent purchased Cardio Kicks though haven't gotten it yet. KM has low impact premixes on the DVD and the KPC DVD has tons of premixes, the entire KPC w/o is so good IMO.

What two DVD's do you own?
Hi Joss, welcome to the forum! If it is weights you are interested in I'd say try the Power Hour DVD. It has 3 workouts, 2 just weights and the 3rd has some step, power circuit lower body step, and a short upper body and then an ab segment....:)..Carole
My vote for weights would be Pyramid Upper/Lower Body. It's my absolute favorite of all the Cathe weight workouts I have.


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