Where did your boobs go?????


Okay. I went away for the weekend with my DH and saw tons of people I had not seen for a year! The first thing that SEVERAL (yes, more than 9) people said to me was, " Jackie, where did your boobs go?"

Of course, they weren't intending to be mean but....

Anyway, I did get quite a few comments about how lean or how "buff" I looked. And for the first time in my life, some even asked me if I was lifting weights? BIG victory for me.

The thing is:

When I was "anorexic" a couple of summers ago, and weighed in at 106, my boobs were BIGGER than they are now, and I weigh 126!!!!

During that anorexic episode (hopefully my last) I did NOT exercise at all. I just stopped eating. So why, now that I am doing this the healthy way, trying to create muscle in my upper body, do my boobs go completely away???????

Does that make sense to ANYONE? And yes, I am saving my money for a bit of a "lift" in the near future.
I went through a stage about 10 years ago where I worked out for HOURS almost every day (4-7 hours per DAY)! I was about 88 lbs. My breasts were a large C cup ~ believe it or not. The rest of me was a stick. I did NO weights at all. Since I started working out w/ weights and still doing cardio, I've lost a lot of that size ~ I think it just went south on me. I now weight about 10 lbs more now. I swear, why can't it be attractive to have fat on your behind where it's sooooo easy to keep and not on your bust?x( Go for the lift!;-)
Susan C.M. :D
Congrats on the "buff" comments! I hope someday someone somewhere notices all my hard work. I can't imagine anyone asking me where my boobs went tho, lol. Probably because I never had any to begin with. I'm thinking the boob loss with weight work is because the tissue there is mostly fat. And the fat always leaves where we like a little first (like the face and boobs) and where we don't last (pick your spot). Just the rules I guess.

In my early 20's, I was quite thin but wore a D cup. I started working out to the Firm when I was 25 and went down to a C. After nursing my first baby for 14 months, I went down to a B. After nursing two more babies and working out with Cathe, I'm barely a B and they are definitely facing south!

Good thing God made padded bras...
Oh goodie! At least one thing to look forward to...

I'm 42 and have recently begun noticing some hormonal changes which I'm attributing to the beginning of peri-menopause. Haven't noticed any boob changes yet, though!
Oh goodie! At least one thing to look forward to...

I'm 42 and have recently begun noticing some hormonal changes which I'm attributing to the beginning of peri-menopause. Haven't noticed any boob changes yet, though!
Well, that's my story (and I'm sticking to it!):7 I'm assuming that's what caused it, or maybe it was working with heavier weights

Well, that's my story (and I'm sticking to it!):7 I'm assuming that's what caused it, or maybe it was working with heavier weights

If anyone were so crass as to make a comment like that to me, I'd probably respond, "I think they went the same place where your brain and manners went."

Why on earth do people think pointed comments about a person's body are acceptable social conversation?

If anyone were so crass as to make a comment like that to me, I'd probably respond, "I think they went the same place where your brain and manners went."

Why on earth do people think pointed comments about a person's body are acceptable social conversation?

You have a great point...as usual!

Edited to say, "Wow, nine people". I guess that could really give someone a complex! That is pretty crass.
You have a great point...as usual!

Edited to say, "Wow, nine people". I guess that could really give someone a complex! That is pretty crass.
Seems to me that while you were on your weekend excursion with DH, the two of you accidentally wandered into a moron convention of some sort.
Seems to me that while you were on your weekend excursion with DH, the two of you accidentally wandered into a moron convention of some sort.
It just points out once again that people are constantly looking at your boobs, your legs, your butt, and making comparisons to former you, to the ideal Playmate image, to the average woman your age, etc etc etc. It is sad, but I have come to accept it.

I worked for years with a group of 15 software engineers. I decided to play a trick on them. I have really small boobie-scraps, barely an A. Each day, using socks, I doubled the size of them. If X is the original size, I did 2x, then 3X, then 4X. The 4X day one of them noticed. We were all out having lunch, and I could see him look at me and get this shocked and confused look on his face. It was priceless. Later, I told him what I had been doing. He was very amused. We walked around the building making excuses to talk to other guys, and some noticed, most didn't. The next day I did 5X. For some reason, everyone noticed this time. They turned red, they got very silly. Then I asked them how come no one had noticed until I got so huge. One said, "You had already been calibrated when you arrived, why recalibrate?" One said, "I noticed I liked you more lately and now I know why."

Anyway, all good fun. After that, I wore 4X when a consultant or auditor came. It was very funny. It kept everyone in good spirits, and since the poor innocent outsider had never "calibrated" me, he just thought I was a more attractive worker.

So, if you don't like your boob size just use socks, cheap and fun.
It just points out once again that people are constantly looking at your boobs, your legs, your butt, and making comparisons to former you, to the ideal Playmate image, to the average woman your age, etc etc etc. It is sad, but I have come to accept it.

I worked for years with a group of 15 software engineers. I decided to play a trick on them. I have really small boobie-scraps, barely an A. Each day, using socks, I doubled the size of them. If X is the original size, I did 2x, then 3X, then 4X. The 4X day one of them noticed. We were all out having lunch, and I could see him look at me and get this shocked and confused look on his face. It was priceless. Later, I told him what I had been doing. He was very amused. We walked around the building making excuses to talk to other guys, and some noticed, most didn't. The next day I did 5X. For some reason, everyone noticed this time. They turned red, they got very silly. Then I asked them how come no one had noticed until I got so huge. One said, "You had already been calibrated when you arrived, why recalibrate?" One said, "I noticed I liked you more lately and now I know why."

Anyway, all good fun. After that, I wore 4X when a consultant or auditor came. It was very funny. It kept everyone in good spirits, and since the poor innocent outsider had never "calibrated" me, he just thought I was a more attractive worker.

So, if you don't like your boob size just use socks, cheap and fun.
Jackie...did you eat a toad before going to this convention???

After nursing babies and having a size triple E (I'm not kidding), mine have disappeared and I'm glad they are gone and I don't care if I ever see them again. :7 :7 :7 They get in the way when I do any plyometrics, jogging, even waterskiing. Much more comfortable to be flat, less baggage. I believe my pecs stick out over them currently. }( }( }( .

Briee (eat the toad and you'll forget about your chest disappearing, at least for the day)

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