where can I find exercise programs?


Hello everyone,

I've been looking for a sample wight lifting program for pregnant people but haven't had any luck.... I'd appreciate if someone would tell me the web site address etc. where I can see the sample exercises or program. Also, pleae give me some advise on what you did as far as weight lifting goes during pregnancy. Thank you.
I didn't do anything special for pregnancy. I continued lifting with Cathe, and never found that I needed to adjust my weight levels (some have found that they needed to lift lighter).

I did a low of low impact Cathe, and beginner Cathe on tired days. I lifted with Gym Styles, Drill Max, LIC...etc...

I always found that the pregnancy style videos were too easy, like they didn't give me enough of a workout. So I kept going with what I'd been doing all along.
I do not think that you will find pregnancy weight lifting videos for the simple reason that those who did not lift before being pregnant should not start, and those who did lift before can continue doing whatever you have been doing.
My doctor has said that the general preggo rule is: do what you have been doing, but do not try to improve. So if you lifted 5lbs for bicep curls, do not go to 10lbs, but if you were lifting 15lbs, keep lifting 15. Other than that be careful not to go anaerobic for cardio.
Listen to your body. Do not try to work through exhaustion or sickness, but if your previous workouts feel good, enjoy them.
I have been working out for about 3 years, when I get pregnant I asked my midwife if I can cont to workout & she said it's OK to cont what I've been doing. Now I am 32 weeks pregnant & still doing kickboxing, gym style of cathe, muscle max, LIC, LIS. Running on the treadmill is kinda hard on my feet eventhough I feel like I can run fast but my arch hurt too much so I just give up on running. I modify some of the exercise like no lying on my back during chest press, no plyometrics, no push up on my toes. Drink plenty of water during exercise.

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