Where are my fellow first trimesters?


I've been posting on the moms to be check in. Where are the rest of you hiding? Mild morning sickness has hit and in 2 weeks gained 4 pounds, what about the rest of you. 8 weeks down 32 more to go.
Good morning,

Well I am 6 weeks along and I am very tired but so far no morning sickness. I have already gained 1 pound and I believe it is all in my boobs. Pregnancy is so funny... with my ds I did not even go up one bra size and with this one I already see big changes. I hope everyone feels good.

I am in week 11 and am happy to report that my morning/all-day sickness has finally gone! I woke up yesterday morning feeling GREAT and actually worked out for the first time in at least 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to getting my butt back in gear...I already think my legs are starting to jiggle a little too much!!!!

Hope everyone's feeling great!
due w/ #3 5/6/05
Hello. I am in my 10th week and starting to feel a bit better. I know I've gained a few pounds but I am too afraid to get on the scale and find out how much exactly. Eventually I will find out when I go to my doctor's appointment at the end of the month. Right now, the most important thing to me is that the "morning" sickness has subsided a bit. I was getting it all day and night so I am feeling like a new person now...

I'm back to working out.. Only three times a week but that's an improvement considering I lost a few weeks because I was so tired and sick... Glad to see everyone is hanging in there........

your fellow first trimester,

Hello everyone! I am also in my first trimester, due on May 25th. I have been so hungry lately and way too tired to work out for the last 2 weeks, so I am dreading getting on the scale at my first doctors appointment on the 27th. I've been lucky that I haven't really had any morning sickness.
Glad to know others are feeling off as well. I am starting to feel better and my huge appetite has subsided a bit. I see the doctor tomorrow but I am up 3 pounds amd see my tummy looking pregnant already. I am due May 29.
I'm a fellow 1st trimester....due May 22nd. I don't think I'm showing yet, but I had a belly before - feel bloated/flabby and all of that fun stuff. I haven't worked out in SOOOO long, I feel horrible about that - but I've been so sick - I've actually lost 7 pounds, but of course, I had some to lose! Today I felt good, so maybe I can start working out again, which I would like! I've been so tired, so hopefully that will go away soon too. I'm thinking I will start with my elliptical and some easy weight training stuff - maybe work back up to some Cathe eventually, but probably not the step. Anyhow...that's my story!

Take care ladies!

Just wondering if anyone has started to wear maternity clothes yet. I'm 12 weeks and I'm getting close to needing them...I guess the third makes you pop out even sooner!?!

due w/ #3 5/6/06
Michelle, my friends in play group said they started wearing maternity by week 9 with their second.

At week 9, I definitely see a belly where previously there wasn't. I did start out at my ideal weight though.

News for you all, saw the doctor yesterday who heard the heartbeat of the baby. To check on weeks, he had me get an ultrasound today. A baby was seen and I was given a due date of May 30. Doctor originally had me at May 22, I knew the doc was wrong.
i am so excited to be pregnant finally. scared of course - it is just early on. and wondering what to expect. today is the first day i have felt tired (i am week 5). i hope to continue to exercise, but i am not sure i can continue my 7 mile runs or weight training. any tips?
Congrats! I was most tired from weeks 5-7. Listen to your body, you may need to cut short your runs if you feel too exhausted. The first trimester is so nerve wracking. I am just starting to relax after having a 9 week ultrasound.
so you are just 9 wks? are you showing at all yet? i cannot wait for my ultrasound. i think i will really feel better to see something inside me. it is hard to believe sometimes that i am really pregnant, especially when i am feeling just fine.

is this your first?
This is my 2nd. I have a 2 year old girl who you can read about in the toddler thread. The ultrasound really helped me realize I really was pregnant and not just getting fat. If you don't know me, I don't look pregnant but I am sure if people do they've noticed a little bulge in my tummy. I do feel I am showing quicker this time around. Tuesday I'll be 10 weeks.

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