When you do BodyMax...


Active Member
would you be able to do Interval Max the same week? I just got this tape and I teach a class that's comparable (yeah!) to Interval Max, do I dare attempt to do 2 high intensities in one week? Right after I've had pneumonina?? (I'd really would wait a bit, I'm not looking to committ suicide!) Thanks to you guys, the "educated" crowd!
It depends

Hi, Myra! Part of whether you can do both in the same week depends on your current fitness level. For a beginner, I would definitely not do more than one super intense video in a week. For intermediate or advanced ( very subjective, I know, but it's the best way I can htink of to distinguish it. ) it can be a good way to increase your fitness level. I definitely wouldn't do them on consecutive days, though. If you're not sure about whether or not you can do both without causing a relapse in your pneumonia, you might try do BMax and then later in the week doing just the 1st 5 intervals in IMax ( Don't forget to cool down afterward!
). If you feel okay afterward, then try doing the whole thing the next time, but keep in mind to listen to your body and stop if you're feeling weak, dizzy, or just plain too tired to finish. You have plenty of time to work up to this. You don't want to risk getting sick again. Good luck!


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