When will the new series be shipped?


New Member
Hi fellow fitness addicts,
I have been away from my computer for a week and wanted to check on the shipping dates of the new series. However, can't find any recent postings nor anyone asking about it, so that leads me to believe that a date has been announced. Will someone bring me up to speed? Will we be smiling at Christmas?
Thanks, Laurie
From the last that I have read there still isn't a scheduled ship date yet. It will probably be pretty soon. I guess we need to be patient a little longer.

So I guess they won't be here for Christmas? :(

For some reason, I was assuming they would be. I know things change, but some new Cathe workouts would be great with all this extra food laying around!
RE: Christmas?

I'm as anxious as you guys, but I comfort myself that at least they will be here for the "after the holidays" push!

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