When do you exercise?


Since Christmas, I've started working from home, which is great because, as well as other benefits, I don't have to spend time traveling. :D However, instead of exercising more often (which was the plan), I'm having a really hard time motivating myself. I used to get home from work, put a video on, and workout before doing anything else. But now that my routine has changed, when I finish working, I just want to sit down! I'm also less active because I don't have the walks to and from the train stations, so this is really bad! :-( I've tried exercising at lunch time, but then find it hard to get back into my work after a long lunch break.

I guess I'll sort out a new routine eventually, but wondered if anyone had any advice?

How about exercising before work? Then you get it done for the day and can focus on other things.

I work at home a lot and I just workout whenever the heck I feel like it, which is usually at 3-5 pm. But if I don't feel like it by 6, I just make myself do it. The latest I usually feel good starting is 7 pm.
Hi Sharon
You are so lucky to be able to work at home full time. On rare occassions I get to work at home due to a special project and I absolutely loved it! During those rare occassions I followed my same pattern - up at 4:25 a.m., consumed two cups coffee and off to the gym by 5 to 5:15 or do a home workout commencing at the same time. The great thing about it was after my workout was over all I had to do was shower, put on my robe and go to work in the comfort of my home. It was great!
I have a 'weird' schedule, so it might not work for everybody. I usually take a nap when everybody goes to bed. Get up about an hour later to exercise, shower and then go to bed. I do get up with some interesting hair! At first it's hard to get up after a nap, but after a while you'll get used to it. I couldn't ask DH to watch the kids so I can exercise since he works long hours... he deserves to put up his feet after work and rest.

I have always worked out early in the morning then it's done and I can go on with my day knowing I took time to do something for me! Since my daughter is in school now I have to get up extra early to have it done before waking her. I'm up by 4:30! I just love the mornings!;-) Susan
I'm just like Mogambo, usually between 3-5pm, either quickly before the kids get home, or after I have gone over homework with them and supplied them with snacks and they have run off to play leaving me free.

But in the Summer when I do not have a class schedule to worry about but need to beat the heat, I usually have a large morning coffee and then workout before 10am so that the rest of the day is free. It doesn't feel natural to me to exercise at that time of day at first, but my body adapts.

Play around with different timetables, see what works for you and maybe take your lunch hour outside with a quick half hour walk before the sandwich?

Thanks for everyone's comments.

I don't think I could get up early to exercise as I'm really not a morning person, and I would disturb my boyfriend because my workout room is next door to our bedroom.

I'll try working out at different times during the day and see what works. I'm used to specific working hours, and I have been sticking to that since working from home so that I don't lapse. But what I need is a regular workout hour in the day, and then to finish work a bit later to make up for it.

I really enjoy working out so I don't know why I'm finding it difficult getting into it!

If I am home in the mornings , I will workout in the mornings.But if I go to work at 9 then it will usually be after work.
Whichever way it is, I still do it.I am so use to working out that not working hard would seem strange to me.It's like brushing me teeth or taking a shower.I do it everyday.
When I use to have longer lunch hours I would workout then, but I also found it to rushy.I proably wouldn't do as much as I would if I had all evening either.
Try working out in the morning.I got into that this summmer and it was great b/c we always did things in the evening so, then I didn't have to worry about doing my workout.Rightnow, it's cold and I ain't doing anything so I work out whenever:)
Good luck, hopefully you will figure it out.
i exercise first thing in the morning at the gym, i'm there by 5am 4-5 days a week. i too like to get it out of the way and go on with my day not having to worry about it.
I exercise first thing in the morning for 45-60 minutes. If I do it first thing, I get it done for the day. I try to plan out (not seriously plan but have a game plan overall) when and what I'll be doing for the week.

Occasionally I'll participate in one or two of our 15 minute breaks at work (IF I take a break) with the other ladies and do a short workout from one of the many videos we keep on hand or walk with some of the walkers.

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