When did you order Hardcore?

I ordered on Sept 17. I haven't received my "email" yet. I'm going nuts!

If you've got your shipping confirmation, when did you order? I was thinking this might help me figure out when mine will be shipped.

I received my shipping e-mail yesterday around 5PM and I preordered on July 4 late in the evening. (It will arrive on Tuesday)
I ordered on July 30th and I haven't received my shipping confirmation. So they probably haven't fulfilled most of the July orders yet.
You think you've got it bad...I didn't order mine until December. I'm sure mine will go out on the last day of shipping. Boohoo!! Patience....patience...I keep telling myself as I sit here green with envy reading about all the people who are getting theirs this week.

Lee Anne
I just remembered- I placed my order on July 20th in honor of Cathe's birthday on July 20th. ;o) No word from UPS yet.
I can only imagine what her packing place looks like right now. We own a Corporate Education DVD business and we usually pay a fulfillment place to pack and ship all of our DVDs but once we got stuck and had to do it ourselves- it was 10,000 pc order and WOW!! Boxes and labels and tape and packing peanuts and employees ALL OVER THE PLACE!! We asked all employees, plus our kids, plus anyone else we knew who wanted to earn weekend money to help us get these things packed, shipped and OUT the door. It's a whirlwind. It took us about 5 days to get them all out and we had about 15 people working on it.
Hi--I ordered July 4th and got my e mail yesterday. My package will arrive the 11th, because I'm in Oregon and did regular delivery.

Hope this helps.

I did not order until the third week in August...:-( . Yes, I am kicking myself. I was trying not to spend money, foolish thought when it comes to Cathe. :D
I ordered early July 4th. I did not receive an email, but I can track my order here and it is scheduled for delivery on Tuesday. Normally I receive an email, this is my first time not receiving one.
I ordered July 10th (I had never done Cathe's stuff - just read about her - my husband made me order ALL of Cathe's DVDs along with hardcore - he's a saint!) No email yet...
I just tracked my package again and it is already in Dallas. I live in Waco. Once they leave Dallas, they'll be in Waco within 2 hours or less. If they don't reschedule a delivery date, I'm going to call and see if I can pick them up tomorrow instead of waiting until Tuesday.
I ordered July 4th and will get delivery on Tuesday (NC). Good enough for me! I am really looking forward to some new stuff. The DVDs look beautiful and the workouts sound tough. I'm tellin' the blubber-bits to WATCH OUT!
I'm assuming that they're packing away over at the studio, but UPS probably doesn't pick up on the weekends so the boxes are probably sitting there waiting for the UPS man. I hope I hear something on Monday!
I ordered mine on the 4th of July. I haven't received my shipping confirmation yet. Since I live in Hawaii, I am not expecting my shipment anytime soon.

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