RE: When did you first introduce solids to your baby? i...
Well, I voted, but I started all four of my children at different times!
DS #1 was eating cereal from a spoon at 4 months (started him at 3 months) like a pro. He loved it and caught on to the spoon right away. He was a very hungry baby, though and I thought he needed more than just my breast milk.
DS #2 was totally content on formula and I didn't see the need to start him until he was 6 months old. He caught on right away and did great.
DS's # 3 and 4,(twins) the doctor pressured me to start at 4 months but they weren't ready at all (mostly breast but some formula). I was so mad (at the ped. for the pressure). They weren't ready but my ped. told me to start, so against my better judgement, I did. I started them at 4 months but after about a week of frustration gave up until they were 6 months old. They took to it perfectly.
My advice is, try it when YOU think they are ready. If the child doesn't "get" it after a few tries, wait a week, then try again.