What's your favorite Disney movie?


I love so many of them! But my favorite is a tie between Robin Hood and Cinderella:+ What's yours?

Sorry if I'm changing the question but I'd rather answer "What's your favourite animated movie?" My answer for that is "The Emporer's New Groove." I absolutely love Kronk and there's so many hilarious lines in that movie - my oldest dh can and will quote them all for you!!!

Right off the top of my head:

Old School:
For Disney, I love Dumbo! The "Baby Mine" song ALWAYS makes me cry. For Animated, I love Charlottes Web, Again another cryer!

The new animations: Ice age, Nemo, both great ones!

Good Question Jes, made me smile! I needed that!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
All the Pixar stuff. Pixar is the best thing that ever happened to Disney.

Also we really like the Pricess Diaries in this house.

Hate all that old style animation and some of the old Disney's give me the creeps, like Ptrer pan, CIndarella, SNow White, Dumbo, yuck. Never watched them with my kids, never.


ps. yup, I could quote you the entire movie of Emperor's New groove and many others!!!!!!!
You know what I hate about the old Disney animated movies? The music! It's very irritating. My daughter got the Bambi DVD for Easter and I just can't stand the singers in the background. But I still love the story.
Old school stuff we love in our family is Mary Poppins, we love to sing along!
for newer stuff, I love Brother Bear! It has such a great message! My daughter and I cried in the theater when we saw it! ;( but to be honest, I love most of Disney's stuff.
The Little Mermaid. Mulan is a close second. I'm so glad I have kids because it gives me an excuse to buy all the Disney DVD's. Cinderella is coming out in October!:7 :7 :7
Lion King is my favorite.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC

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