What's up with "The Firm"? Has e-mail address changed?


Active Member
I've tried all morning to get on thier forum, but I haven't been able to. Has thier address changed? I've also tries Anna Benson's new one www.annathena.com and it won't let me in as well! What is going on? I know many of you post on the Firm's forum as well, can you please help?!

Thank you!
You and me both !

I have also not had any success getting onto either the forum or the general website today. The url has been playing up for weeks and has been very slow indeed - it's possible there's a real problem now and they have to close down altogether temporarily.

Even if you type in "Firmdirect" on a search engine it's not recognised - very strange but hope it doesn't last long !! No-one to provide any information though, which is v. frustrating !!
RE: You and me both !

There's a thread on Anna's forum titled "Attention all Firmies" (or something like that). The poster called the Firm's toll free number and was told by the operator that the forum was down until the end of Jan. due to lack of stock. Makes absolutely no sense to me, but then half of the Firm's business decisions make no sense to me. They need to take some lessons from Cathe.
RE: You and me both !

the annathena fitprime forum is getting lots of feedback for their new videos and lots of them suggest they take a look at how cathe is doing with her website and her dvd workouts. it's great too because anna benson seems to be really listening, it has only been a week and she has put in an ask anna forum and started asking us also what we like and how to chapter the dvds ... i hope this doesn't offend anyone on this site though but cathe's forum and site is so well done that we would love to have the firm pick it up with their marketing too.
RE: You and me both !

I can not get into Anna's site either. I get a white page that says "you are not authrized to view the page. Anyone here have the same problem?
I went to FitPrime and got the same information...the Firm site is DOWN till January! What will I do without my check-in group??? I registered with FitPrime and now when I try to login I am refused. It questions my "password." When I registered there was no space for a "password." I simply listed my username and e-mail address. Anyone else have this problem? HELP!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-01 AT 10:39PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi seachell, it's me Mac! Glad to see ya. I could not use Mac here because it's already taken. It sounds like you got further than me on fitprime. I could not get beyond the white page. I thought maybe it was me, but now I think it there site.
The Firm is definitely down from what I've seen at Anna's website. Her's is still up though. At first I had difficulty, than I tried this and got in right away:

When you registered at Anna's site, you should've received an email that has your userid (the one you chose) and your temporary password. Use that password to login than you can go to the profile and change it to whatever you want.

Hope this helps.
Hi, MAC/Georgia!!! Glad to see a familiar "face!" What are we going to do without our Go-Getters Group? I guess will have to connect here. I like Cathe's forum so maybe it's not such a bad thing!
Thanks for the info willbfit2. I NEVER recieved an e-mail so I not sure what to do now. I placed an e-mail to their site so HOPEFULLY they will respond and I can clear it up. Thanks!
MAC & SEACHELL--- have been looking for you guys !!!!
Didn't have your e-mail seachell to try to find you.
Troggie set up a site for us to check in on:

[email protected]

I think you can just send an email there and somehow we'll get you connected.

Anna's site : fitprime.com
They have started a challenge topic in their forums and some of the old firm groups are showing up there.
I tried to register there, but it says they emailed me my password but I never got it. I have emailed them to get my password-- hopefully soon. So, over there I can read but not post.
If you guys want anyone's email address, I have all but Kecia and Seachell

I'm at: [email protected]

Hopefully we can all get together soon!
Mac, SeaChell, KECIA is you find us, I might need your emails to send you an "invite" to the yahoo group. Thought I sent one to Mac but maybe it didn't get there. You can send to me at [email protected]

It's been a little confusing to some folks but I will try to get a good description of the sign-up procedure for you.

I read on Video Fitness Reader Forum that they are working on the problem, and hopefully the site will be up sometime this week. They are having problems due to the changeover.


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