Hi Angela!
My targets are the same as Kathryn's. Those parameters are consistent with most sport nutritionists (the ones w/ RD's or PhD's), the ADA, & the American College of Sports Medicine.
Annette (Aquajock) has a great post in response to someone's frustration with conflicting expert guidance. She points out that many of the fitness "experts" don't have the educational background to truly understand the science of exercise. That's certainly true with much of the diet advice around.
The high protein or restricted carb diets are popular because many find they can control their appetites & lose weight. But they're less than ideal for long-term health. Fruits, vegies, & complex carbs are a terrific source of nutrients. You can still be buff & feel great while eating a diet that reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes, & cancer.
Probably just as important as eating the right amount of macro nutrients (carb/protein/fat) is eating a variety of nutrient dense foods. You can make good & bad choices from any food group.
Hope this helps you. (Also hope I haven't triggered a nasty debate.)