What yoga DVDs do you do?


I'm thinking Cathe does not come out with Yoga videos. So was wondering what yoga workouts people do? And do a lot of you incorporate yoga into your workout schedule?

I mostly do the Gaiam DVDs and love the ones especially by Suzanne Deason ... I just wish they made more 20 min workouts, vs. the hour long ones. I like to add 15-20 min of yoga onto the end of my Cardio/weight workouts almost every time so that I can get an extra stretch and so that my body can calm down and not feel stressed from a workout, as I am susceptible to retaining fat due to too much cortisol, so I need to make sure that my body does not perceive exericse as stress.
This may not help you but I do power yoga and enjoy Baron Baptiste. I have his Long and Lean and Journey into Power 2 dvds. I also have the first set of XFlowsions which are great but are not "traditional" yoga practice. I also am a fan of Yoga X from P90X. :)
i have a great variety of yoga. i have power yoga with baron,bryan kest,and shiva rea. i also have more of a restortive type with body wisdom yoga, yoga wisdom from CIA videos, the vinyasa flow with Total Yoga Set as well as some odds and ends like Yoga Burn,Yoga for Better Sex(which sounds cheesey but pretty good). i also have the caribbean workouts' yoga set for those short on time day as well as 10 min. solution yoga,perfect in 10 yoga, and an independt filmed one called yoga express.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

I would love it if Cathe released a yoga DVD! I agree, too, that shorter (or well-chaptered) yoga DVDs would be welcome. There seems to be an abundance of power yoga DVDs out there but not as many dedicated to simple hatha yoga practice designed to increase flexibility.

My post-workout stretches always involve yoga postures, but I do aim for one 20 min.+ yoga session per week. While nothing beats a live class, IMO, I like 10 Min. Solutions Yoga, Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn, and Yoga Conditioning for Athletes. I also like the non-equipment based segment in Stretch Max - not yoga per se, but yoga-inspired.

Less frequently, I'll do Iron Yoga, Crunch The Joy of Yoga, and Kristin McGee's Power Yoga. For an older routine, I like Kathy Smith's New Yoga on her Yoga Sculpt DVD. I recently purchased some kundalini yoga DVDs, which I found were not for me.

But I am still looking for that golden yoga DVD that I can rave about. Will be interested in hearing some new suggestions.

~Cathy http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif

"Man who runs behind car gets exhausted. Man who runs in front of car gets tired." -Source unknown
I have tons of yoga DVDs and do a lot of yoga (mostly only have time for it on the weekends when I'm working though).

Some of my fave's (but they are not real short) are:

Rainbeau Mars Yoga for Beauty - Dusk & Dawn - these are 50" practices and they are not real strenuous but not restorative either. I really like these and reach for them all of the time when I'm not in a good mood. Each DVD has a 10 minute routine on it also....which would work good for you.

I also love Eion Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness. It comes with 2 DVDs and 6 premixes ranging from 30" to 85" minute practices. Magically Hips is my favorite premix and comes in at 60"....perfect for a weekend and really gets into those tight spots from cardio.

I love Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti and Fluid Power. These are done on a Matrix so you could pick and choose segments....which would also work for you.

I like Altar of the Heart with Tilak Pyle, but it's long....around 75" or so. It is not that strenous though and perfect for a rest day. Available at Fitness Organica.

You can find the other DVDs listed above at Amazon.com or CDUniverse.

Another short one that you might check out is Baron Baptiste's Unlocking Athletic Power which comes in at about 28" long.

I also just purchased Perfect in 10 Yoga and it's good to add on to your other workouts. I like it so far.

Good luck and let us know what you choose and if you like it when you receive it. I find that no 1/2 stretch leaves me feeling as good as a yoga session these days.

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