What workout did you do today?


I did PowerMax. It's the first time I've done a step workout in a while as I've been on an extended kickboxing kick (pun intended). So fun!!! I was sweating profusely by the end of the 2nd combo, though. Yikes!

How about you?
Hi Marie:) I did your kickboxing for you today:+ KickMax combos and then my own mix of yoga/pilates. I ran so much this summer that I hardly stepped at all and have been having so much fun getting re-acquainted with step. PowerMax is a real sweatfest indeed!!:)

Take Care
Sports circuit class at my gym, lasts about 75-90 min, depending on what we're doing. It's fantastic!!


*(Calvin): People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. (Hobbes): Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?
I did approximately 4 miles this morning, so I only have a hopeful CTX weight segment and some yoga left to do today if I have time.
If I wasn't sore from gym style legs from yesterday, I would have done Imax 3, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Sadly, I did not work out today :(.

I did PowerMax yesterday for the first time and loved it!!!

Today was Jari Love Ripped, Slim and Lean.
Classic Cardio Revisited by Greg Simms. It's paced just right and gives you a pretty good floor aerobics workout. It's about 48 minutes long. Great for days when you don't feel like using any equipment:)!

Jari Love RTTC with an add-on of the squat, lunge, triceps and biceps tracks from S&L, and Katami bar for abs.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I haven't worked out yet, but today is my long exericse day. I'm walking for an hour, then I'll do Powerstrike advanced #1, followed by Jari's Ripped to the Core.
I did an interval workout on my elliptical followed by core max. I just love my elliptical...a tough workout that is easy on the joints:)

I won't be able to squeeze in a workout to day x( but I did Kelly Coffey's Shape of Things to Come last night and really enjoyed it. I'll probably go for Cathe's High Step training tomorrow. }(
Hey, I did Powermax also. It was fun. And thank you to the person who shared about scratching her face during "party arms." I crack up every time I do that part of the work out now.

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