What was the most "special" event 4 you in 2004?


Because we are nearly in 05 (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!!!!!) I thaught it would be nice to reflect NOW before we all get TOO busy with festivities on THAT MOMENT in 04 that you will never forget

This can be a BIG incident, a SMALL incident.......whatever. Just a special moment

For me (my youngest daughter Emma, really........but I willing to share her moment ) was when she made it through all her quolifications necessary to study "Social Culture" at University in 05. This two year study course will take her on the path of becoming a "Social Worker" (a carreer she has always wanted to undertake) and she is so thrilled........and IM BURSTING WITH PRIDE

What makes it even more special for me as her mother, is because her older brother and sister dropped out of school at the age of sixteen (the legal age allowed in Australia) with NO quolifications and the road has not been too easy for them in terms of earning a decent wage.

Therefore when Emma was approaching sixteen, I was worried and so tense that she would follow the path of her brother andf sister, but "NO" she buckled down in her studies and basically told her sibblings "that it was stupid to leave school without quolifications and she wanted better things for herself"

HURRAY!!!!!!!! - one out of three aint bad

SO this Christmas, I will be raising an extra glass to my youngest daughter and the exciting path that lays ahead for her.


:) :) :)
RE: What was the most

Hi for me there are these : I pass my exams to be a public official, I started to work in my first job, I discovered Cathe in the Spring and these awesome forums, I have now a better job .I have had bad things during this year but I don't want to remenber sad things.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
RE: What was the most

Hmmm...2004 was kind of lame. I can't really think of anything "special" that happened. Other than finally getting the fitness/total health bug to stick with me this time.

Maybe figuring out that my underactive thyroid was causing my lousy mood for the previous 3+ years and getting back to normal...THAT was great. But, my mother died of cancer in April and that totally ruined the year.

Congratulations on Emma. I can't imagine dropping out of school. Here in America, drop-outs are pretty much doomed to very low-paying jobs and a bleek future. Even those who make it through with Masters degrees aren't guaranteed anything!
RE: What was the most

Wow this is kinda sad, I don't think anything exciting happened to me in 2004, except for my wonderful dh, and my precious kids that have been "happening" to me for a while now.

OOOhhh I know one!!! I started running this year. I can run 4 miles straight and I couldn't hardly run one minute when I started!! Last night I ran a practice 5k, it was a piece of cake. I have 2 5k's planned for early next year.

Congrats to you earlier posters with your accomplishments and your children's dreams being fulfilled. That is great!

RE: What was the most

Getting my new job!!! (see the "what do you do for work?" thread) And as a result of that, being able to finally - for the first time ever - spend evenings, weekends and holidays with my hubby and daughter!!!

RE: What was the most

Travel!! I was able to go to two new places that I have never been. Hawaii was a true miracle for my family because we could never have afforded it, but it all came together and I got to go with my whole family, and extended family. My kids, mom, sister, her family, my brother and his family....it was amazing! We all had an incredible time and crammed as much into a trip as we could possibly cram. If not for Cathe workouts I would not have kept up with my children!

Then I finally got to go to Yosemite! In some ways it was every bit as wonderful. I love hiking, biking, swimming and camping. We got to do all of that and more. I think it is really the best place on earth and I went twice this summer. Once with just some girlfriends as a "mom getaway" and then with my husband and kids.
RE: What was the most

The most exciting thing for me this year was finally graduating from college and going to the bahamas the next day for a week to celebrate!

RE: What was the most

My DH says that "2004 was the year of Nancy". I've been working on myself, trying to become more confident and to feel worthy of having good things in my life. This has been the best year so far in terms of my personal growth, and, although I have every intention of continuing to grow each year, I think I will always remember this year as being the real turning point.

Great post and YAY EMMA!!!!!

RE: What was the most

For me,
Hmmm. I have been able to increase my weights due to Cathe workouts. It seemed like I had been in a rut for a long time. We bought a fifth wheel and have been able to relax and do a lot of camping. I have come to the conclusion that I really do not have to try and kill myself with my workouts. If I don't feel up to it I don't have to do it. It does not make a difference in the results. That has taken a long time. All of my children are doing well. My youngest is getting married in December. My middle daughter started into practice as a Physicians Assistant in February and has done really well for the doctors office she is working in. My son has moved up in his job. I couldn't be happier. I really am savoring family. Now for 2005.
I think I am going to try harder on diet. We are tentatively planning a vacation to the far NW for several week. A huge family reunion and lots of sight seeing. I have not seen the Washington monument. My dh took one of our daughters through here and to see crazy horse etc.. I would love to do this. I have seen a lot of states over the years but some things I have missed.
Diane Sue
RE: What was the most

We had a big health scare with one of my sons early this year. After weeks of worrying myself sick and many doctor visits, my son had an MRI and we got the results immediately. It turned out to be something really insignificant and he had minor surgery and everything is fine.

The most special event for me this year was definitely the day of his MRI. We were told that we would have to wait several days for the results - it was such a relief to get the good news right away. :) :)

RE: What was the most

I actually have two special moments. The first was when we adopted our puppy, Daisy. This was such a special day because for years we have wanted a dog but could never have one because my husband is in the military and we moved all the time, not to mention the difficulty in finding a place to live that would let us have a dog. Now she is almost 8 months old and the biggest puppy I've ever seen! The second special moment was when we rescued a litter of kittens who were abandoned in an open space preserve near our house. I could tell someone dumped them because they were so clean and healthy (except for the fleas). We live in an area with alot of coyotes and there was no way I was going to let these kitties become their next meal. So we took them in, found good homes for all but one, which we kept, who we named Kona.

Now that we have them, I couldn't imagine living without them. This past month my husband's dad passed away. Two weeks later our beloved kitty Jessie also passed away. I don't know what we would have done without Daisy and Kona to see us through it all. They gave us love, warmth, someone to hug, and especially, laughter, when we needed it most.

:) Nicole
RE: What was the most

I guess my free weekend trip to London, because it was free (well not REALLY, after buying souvenirs and paying for a hotel room upgrade), and because I'd never been to London before, and I loved it!
RE: What was the most

If I am pregnant(which I think I am but it's too early to test) that would DEFINITELY be the most significant moment.

2004 has been an amazing year for me because:
My DH and I both finished our Master's degrees
My DH opened up his own business and is it's going really well
It was another year of health for our entire family-it just doesn't get much better than that:)

Great thread!
RE: What was the most

Well, 2004 wasn't that great for me either. My father died in March and I'm not over it yet. I have good weeks and bad weeks. There are certain stores I can't go into without getting sad because it reminds me of him. Christmas Eve will be very tough for my sister and I as we normally spent Christmas Eve with my dad and then Christmas Day with mom (divorce).

I do, however, have my health and I'm much closer to mom (if that's even possible). I never stopped exercising and even though I did gain a little weight, I've lost all but 1 pound. And financially my husband and I are in the best shape ever.
RE: What was the most

Well, 2004 wasn't great here either. My stepdad died, my Nanny's alzheimer's has gotten so bad, I know I will lose her soon. Eric lost 3 friends, all of them under 60. I've been having some problems with my Diana's health & came to realize, OMG she's getting old. Danes hava a tendency to just suddenly be old...seems like overnight.

HOWEVER...I always remind myself of the good things I enjoy. A wonderful husband, loving dog, funny cats, dear friends I see every day, great job, roof over my head, food on the table, reasonably good health, & most of all my beloved sister who is my rock.

I really can't think of any great moments this year, but there were countless good ones!


p.s. Cathe & this forum with all of you wonderful people are tremendously important to me & a VERY good part of my life.
RE: What was the most

I know how you feel. I lost my Dad just last month and I'm still kind of in shock about it.

But everytime I get sad, I can't help thinking how lucky I am that I had a father until I was in my late forties; that he died of completely natural causes because his time had come(it must be so hard to lose someone to an accident or something like that); that he lived such a full and rich life; that he lived to see me be happy in my life; and that we were all together at the end and he knew we were there.

Despite the loss, I still feel somehow blessed. I know he felt that way too.
RE: What was the most

My husband and I closed on a .5 acre lot Friday in the little town of Montverde, Florida. It is on a hill (which is rare in Central Florida), overlooking a lake on the right with a view of a sunset to the left. When you stand in our yard it looks like you're in the mountains. We will start building in January. We are just tickled about this!
RE: What was the most

Hi Nancy, My dad passing was a shock also. He was 1 week from turning 64 and had a great life. It makes me sad to know he was home alone when he died, but we have a time frame that pretty much shows he died within like 10 minutes, maybe even less. It was very quick and he still would not have made it if someone had been home. His cause of death could have only been prevented if he was already in a health facility when it happened.

It sounds like you're doing great despite your father passing, and I'll know you'll get through it as I'm doing.

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