What to eat before running 5K


I am running my first 5K on Sunday morning. (I'm so excited!) It starts at 8am and I have just been wondering - what can I eat so early in the morning before running? When I do run in the mornings near my home, I usually go on an empty stomach, but it will take time to drive to the location and by then I may be kind of hungry. I don't want to feel weighed down, though. Any advice?
Hi Laura!

In a perfect, well-planned world you would have experimented to determine what works for you. When DH & I have done events, we have a lot of time between getting up & the start time, so we have instant oatmeal with a banana. The instant oatmeal doesn't have much fiber. When we get out of bed & head out the door for a long training run, we just have a Powerbar which is easy to digest.

Some people are too nervous to digest anything. At least have an energy drink (e.g. Gatorade). Most people find the fructose in juice irritating so it's generally not a pre-run choice.

Make sure your dinner on race eve is carb heavy & low fat. Go easy on the fiber the day before your event too. But drink lots of water.

Have fun!!!

Debra's right, experimentation is key. What works for me is a banana and half a bagel with water, or my homemade granola with milk on it and of course water.

Have fun!


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