what to do

Robbie Dru

Active Member
I just received High Impact Imax, I ordered 2 high steps for my sister and me. Anyway we tried the DVD and hated it. I just can't do videos like that. It's just to much for me to follow. Can you exchange DVDS are am I stuck with this one. I like the strength videos but I can't follow all of that on IMAX. We were totally lost lost. I ended up doing a jump rope video from a Boxer. I have to have simple videos. The jump rope video kicked my ass but it was easy to follow.... Can you exchange? thanks
Unless the DVD is defective, all sales are final. I wouldn't get rid of Imax. I recommend getting Basic Step & Body Fusion and starting there. I'm choreography-challenged, too, and have mostly avoided Cathe step workouts as a result, but I recently bought this one and am so happy I did. It was fun and easy to learn and is helping me become much more comfortable with step. I now feel that I can graduate to more complex routines in time.

Good luck!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
I agree with Cathy,try basic step/body fusion first(I would recommend basic step first;-)) They were my first workouts and I still do body fusion now! And yep,all sales are finale!

I remember the first time I tried body max2,I got so frustrated with it I put it on ebay-but(and this is how my mind works:+) about two minutes later I took it off and just kept doing it...I finally got it down!

so I guess what im trying to say is practice makes perfect and there is always ebay:7
Well, for starters, the Imaxes are done on the Club Step, not the high step, so that would make them extra-difficult. And if you haven't done step before, you should definitely start with Basic Step to give you a grounding of the moves. The choreography in the Imaxes isn't easy and takes a little bit to learn, even for seasoned steppers.

I think you should hang on to them, start with something easier and then try them again later.

By the way, I've been stepping for years and I rarely get one of Cathe's step videos first time through.

Be a little bit more patient and you'll get it and then it's so much fun!
I agree with Shelley. Hang on to them, try something a bit easier, and come back to them later. I'm telling ya, you'll just end up buying it again if you get rid of it now!;-)
If you're refering to Interval Max (the first IMAX), it actually has the simplest choregraphy of any of the IMax's.

Maybe you just don't like any kind of 'choreography' whatsoever? Have you done any other cardio video workouts before? There is a learning curve getting used to mirror cuing and different instructors' way of cuing.

You might want to start with an easier step workout, like Kathy Smith's step workout.

If you really don't want to keep the workout, though you can't exchange your DVD or send it back for a refund, you might want to sell it on Ebay, or on the YaYa's forum.
Duuuuude. Don't give anyone on here ideas about doing an IMAX on a high step. That's all ya gotta know.

*tip toes out of thread*


I don't want to take a pill. Go to Africa, go follow some bushman around. He's being chased by a lion. That's stress. You're not going to find a pygmy on Paxil, I'll tell you that right now.
-Ellen Degeneres

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