I saw a post from last summer and I was amazed to see how early people woke up to get their workout in (lorajc at 2:30am!)! I thought I was the only insane one waking up at wee hours of the morning. So I guess that is my question-is it insane to wake up at 3:30am? I know it is all a matter of what works for you individually. I have two kids under the age of two (22 months and 4 months) so the only time I know I will be able to get a full workout in before they wake up is 3:30am!!!! I have been up and down with this as sometimes I can't justify waking up that early. I am a tired and busy mom but definitely need that time to myself. I am so afraid I will be pulling my hair out by the end of the day (with the two kids)! Part of me thinks that if i just wake up and get used to it and be consistent(opposed to doing it for a couple days then getting so tired I have to sleep in on some mornings), it will be much better in the long run. Anyway, just wanted to see if there is anyone out there that wakes up real early and how it works for you--motivation for me!!!