What time do you get up? lorajc?


I saw a post from last summer and I was amazed to see how early people woke up to get their workout in (lorajc at 2:30am!)! I thought I was the only insane one waking up at wee hours of the morning. So I guess that is my question-is it insane to wake up at 3:30am? I know it is all a matter of what works for you individually. I have two kids under the age of two (22 months and 4 months) so the only time I know I will be able to get a full workout in before they wake up is 3:30am!!!! I have been up and down with this as sometimes I can't justify waking up that early. I am a tired and busy mom but definitely need that time to myself. I am so afraid I will be pulling my hair out by the end of the day (with the two kids)! Part of me thinks that if i just wake up and get used to it and be consistent(opposed to doing it for a couple days then getting so tired I have to sleep in on some mornings), it will be much better in the long run. Anyway, just wanted to see if there is anyone out there that wakes up real early and how it works for you--motivation for me!!!
RE: What time do you get up?

I only get up early to workout if I know I won't have time to fit it in after work in the afternoon. That means getting up at 3:30 once or twice a week.
RE: What time do you get up?

I wake up at 4:30 to be at work at 6:30 or 7, with an hour commute. There's no way I could make myself get up any earlier, so I work out in the evening (no kids - just a dog). For me, 3:30 would be impossible! Besides, I'm so used to working out late that when I do have to do it in the morning, I have a very hard time making my body move fast enough!:eek:
RE: What time do you get up?

I get up at 5:15 during the week. I have to take the dog out and I try to fit in some strength training before getting ready for work. I work out in the evenings.

On the weekends I try to sleep in (if the dog lets me). Also, if it's a week that my daughter is with me, I need that time in the morning to get everyting organized before she gets up and has to go to school.
RE: What time do you get up?

I am a SAHM mom now but when I worked I would get up between 6-6:30 and that would give me just enough time for a cup of coffee and a shower before I had to leave for work. I worked out in the evenings after dinner b/c I am not the type to get up at 5am to exercise...just not me.

Now that I am home, I try to get up between 6am-7am during the week...if I'm being lazy or got to bed too late I'll sleep until 8:30ish (like this morning).

On the weekends I usually get up between 8 and 9.

During the week I will work out in the morning if I am up early enough to get it done before I get DS up...if not, I do it at nap time. There are also lots of times when I will split my work out up and do part in the morning and part at nap time. On the weekends I work out whenever I can fit it in or whenever the mood strikes me...:)
RE: What time do you get up?

Hi -

I only do that because it's what I'm used to and I prefer to workout in the mornings. I don't think I'm insane for doing it, but I don't know many other people who do it. You could try it and see how you do. It might take a little while to get used to.
RE: What time do you get up?

I have always worked out pretty early in the mornings because I prefer that as well. Now that I have kids I have to make it a bit earlier! What time do you go to bed at night? I figure if I can get to bed by 8-9pm I should be ok. How long have you been doing this and did it take a long time for you to get used to it? Have you been pretty consistent with waking up that early?

RE: What time do you get up?

I hope you don't mind me jumping in-but you are not crazy to get up early to work out. You have to do what fits in your life.

I get up at 4:30 during the week (however, today was 4:00 AM thanks to my min pin:( ) to workout because I know life sometimes gets in the way.

I leave myself lots of time in the morning because I like to wake up slowly. Lately, I've been getting up at about 7 am and not leaving for work until after 9. I generally get only about 7 hrs. of sleep on weeknights, then make up for it on the weekend by sleeping through half the weekend. I generally need 9 hrs. per night, and if I deny my body those hours, it lets me know who is boss come the weekend! I think I could win an Olympic sleeping medal.


ETA: Exercise in the morning? For me, that is SOO not going to happen. But everyone has different chemistry. Good luck to you.
RE: What time do you get up?

I too prefer to work out in the morning. My family (including myself) all work and need the kitchen in the morning, which is right next to where I work out. It works a lot better for me to get my workout done before anybody else is up. Otherwise they tend to talk, ask questions, etc. So, my alarm goes off at 4:10am and I'm done just before family rush hour begins!

I try to get to bed by 9pm if I can. On Saturday I sleep in but am still up by 6:30 or so. I really like to get done before the family gets moving. That way, they can get my attention when they want it and I can get the workout I have to have! A win-win, in my house.
Any time with a number smaller than "7" in is not "morning" to me!
I wake up in time for work (my first class is at 10:00 this semester, and I've requested that I never be given a class before that time, often my first one is at 11:00. I'm a tenured full professor, so I get what I want!)

I work out after work: late afternoon or early evening.
RE: What time do you get up?

Thank you Kathy, you are so right! Sometimes the most simple things said make you feel so much better about things. Thank you!

Kathryn, you are too funny! I know, anything before 7am just doesn't feel like morning, does it?
I have to get up to exercise in the morning, because I don't get home until 6:30-8pm at night. And I am in no shape, mental or physical, to exercise at night. I get up at 4:15, which gives me a little more than an hour to get a good workout in before I have to be in the shower. It works great for me and now I find myself waking up at that time even on weekends without an alarm (but I don't get up that early on weekends!).
Wow! 3:30 am??? That's dedication.

I get up at 5 a.m., exercise for an hour, get the kids off and I'm at work by 8 a.m.

I always fit in a few workouts a week in the evenings and walk my dog daily but my early morning workouts are my favorite because there are never any distractions!

I don't think I could do 3:30 though...:)
I get up at 4:30 and leave for work around 7:30. On the weekends I get up around 5:30 or 6:00 because once DD wakes up around 7:00 there is no way I can workout. She'd be tangled in my feet.

I wake up at 5:40 am to get a workout and shower before the kids are up. If I get up any earlier, I am drained all day, so it isn't worth it. Also, I have a 4 year old and 2 year old. I need energy to be a good mother. I only workout for under an hour. Try and see what works for you time wise, where you aren't compromising your energy for the day. Melissa
I have to be up at 3:15 to get to work for 4:30.....no time for me to work out there....hee hee. I try to squeeze a workout in after work since I am usually out before 11 am. I miss the early morning workouts, so nice to get it finished before the day has even begun!!
I get up @ 6:20 am...usually. I'm a morning exerciser, and a slow waker so I need a bit of time before I make my way downstairs to my workout room @ 7:15. I need 9 hours of sleep and don't get that during the week, so I sleep A LOT on the weekends.
When I was working I got up around 5-5:30 to squeeze workouts in beforehand. Now I get up anytime between 5:30-6:30 even if I'm not working out until 9 or 10, because I like the morning.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I have a 4 month old who usually gets up at about 7 so I get up at 5:20 am and workout until 6:45am then shower and start getting ready. Then she wakes up, I feed her and put her back down while I finish getting ready for work. Then I work 8-5, come home dinner, bathtime,etc.

At first, it was hard but it gets easier. Now I feel so much better knowing that my workout is done by 7am and I can go on with the rest of my day and not have to worry if I'll have time to fit it in after work.

Also, I don't miss a morning because if I did, I would remember how nice it is to sleep in and I'd want to do it everyday.

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