What Tape Should I Begin With


Active Member
I want to get a Cathe F. step workout tape but don't know which one(s) to buy. Can someone recommend some good "beginner" tapes. I know that all of Cathe's tapes are intense and that there is no such thing as a "beginner." What I'm looking for is one with the easiest choreography, since I have two left feet.
Welcome Seed!

I would say that my 1st. two "starter" suggestions would be either MegaStepBlast or The Wedding video. One nice thing about the wedding video is that it also has strength (weight) training so you would be getting a bonus. There IS talk of wedding "stuff" in the wedding video but it is still a fun tape even if you're not getting married. Keep in mind, the more vids you order, the bigger discount you get! Let us know what you decide. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Good advice from Debbie, of course!
I have a few questions. What other step tapes have you been working out with already? What level do you perceive yourself to be? The reason I ask is that when I first started with Cathe, I used the Wedding Tape as a starter, because I was intimidated by the talk of advanced choreography. However, this tape ended up being too basic for me (although VERY intense, the steps weree just not very hard to learn). The next one I ordered was Stepworks, and it was perfect--challenging, but what I was looking for.
The only step tapes I had done in the past were things like Kathy Smith, a few Gin Miller, and similar stuff. I had taken step classes at the Y, too, which may have helped me.
Now, that just might be me. Maybe I pick up on choreography more easily than some. I just wouldn't want you to be disappointed (not that ANY of Cathe's incredible stuff is disappointing!) Really, my advice would be to order TWV and three more of your choice, because the discounts are great, and you'll end up buying everything, anyway ;-)
Also, I THINK you can go to the home page and click on any of the videos and see little snipets of them before you buy. Collage has this feature, too, but I don't think they have it with Cathe's stuff anymore (boo,hiss)
The only step workouts that I do now is by The Firm. I rented IntervalMax from the local library once and I think I would have really liked it, but I could only keep it for a couple of days. Those power plyometric jumps, however, really knocked me out and I don't think I am quite up to that level. I'm very short so I don't think I can start off with an 8-inch height. I do a 6-inch height with The Firm. Plus I'm 45 years old. So, I guess I'm looking for Cathe's most basic step video. I'm also interested in strength training, which is what I enjoy doing more than aerobics, actually. I've heard a lot of great things about Cathe F. from The Firm forum, so I have already decided to invest money and eventually buy ALL of her tapes. I also been told that her workouts are what you should do to cut through the plateau problem. I almost ordered the crosstraining series once, but once I got a load of IntervalMax, I decided to start as basic as I can, even though, from what other people have told me, none of Cathe's tapes are simple.
Hi. If you're also interested in strength then I would consider ordering Maximum Intensity Strength. The Power Strength Series is excellent, but especially if you're short on cash at the moment, MIS is a great workout on one tape instead of three. As far as her step tapes go, I agree the choreography is basic in both Mega Step Blast and The Wedding Video, however I find Step Jam, Step Fit and Power Max (except for the 3rd section which I'm still working on) to be much more fun than the other two. Maybe it's the music or the flow of the moves, I dont know. The choreography in these three, I feel, is very learnable. I watched them all on one of my days off and actually practiced some of the moves I thought looked tricky so I was ready for them when I actually did them on a workout day. As Cathe would say, "...just a suggestion, take it or leave it." Whatever you decide to buy, you wont be disappointed.

Happy Shopping,

Hi, Seed,
One important thing to remember with Cathe's stuff is that you can modify, modify, modify! The choreography in some of her more intense tapes (like Interval Max, and bodyMax), is actually a BIT more basic than some of her others. It is just that there are so many power moves and plyometrics that make them SOOO intense. But, you can make many of her moves low impact, or substitute with other moves UNTIL YOU ARE READY.
As for step height, I use 6 inches as do many others, even Cathe in several tapes. Many say that they can get a better workout with a lower height because they can really put more into the work without worrying about tripping. That is a purely individual thing! At times I use no step at all to save my aching knees.
Several of the women on this site are in their 40's and 50's, so don't let that stop you! But on the other hand, go at your own pace without comparing your self to others :)
I agree with MIS as a great suggestion for Strength Training. The Pure Strength series is wonderful, too. I think what really gets people through plateaus is mixing up their workouts every 4 to 12 weeks...so getting all of her tapes is a great idea!!
So, this is just a bunch of info, with nothing specific to tell you...if you need more help, just let us know!
PS--Hope I didn't put you off The Wedding Video--it may be just what you're looking for as far as basic stepping, and it is very intense! Also, the strength section always gets my arms shaking, even though the weights are lighter than anything I use for her other tapes...
Okay, this is what I decided to buy...

Mega Step Blast
Step Heat
Wedding Video
Maximam Intensity Strength
Cardio Kicks

Thanks everyone, for your suggestions.
Just You Wait!

You are going to love every tape you picked. (There are no Cathe tapes you can go wrong with though!!) Have fun and report back to us!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"

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