what size balls?

The stability ball size depends on your height. Most manufacturers seem to recommend a 55 cm ball for exercisers up to 5'5" or 5'6" and 65 cm balls for taller (there are also 75 cm balls, but I didn't pay attention to who would use them because I'm nowhere near whatever height that would be...maybe over 6'?). If you're right at 5'5"/5'6", I think you could go with either 55 cm or 65cm, because different sources vary in their recommendations for this height (some say 55cm for 5'5", some say 65cm.). I'm 5'5 1/2:+ and I use a 55cm ball.

FOr the medecine ball, I know that Cathe and crew use 8#, but I've seen several posters mention that 8# was heavy for them. I haven't gotten my workouts yet (this afternoon!!), but for some medecine ball exercises, you can vary how much resistance the ball feels like to your body by holding it closer to you (less resistance) or farther out (more resistance).
I know that this subject has been brought up before but now that I actually have the DVD now - where is the best (price wise) place to buy an 8 lb med ball and stability ball???
I'm getting ready to get my stability ball and medicine ball too.

I have been casually shopping and have decided to get my stability ball from Fitness1st. I've been getting everything from them: barbell, dumbbells, barbell pad, step. Their prices are always a little lower than other places on the internet, (including fitness warehouse), and they don't carry everything, just quality stuff. Their service is great.

They sell the Gymnic Plus stability ball. The 55cm ball is $19.00. For people over 5'3" they recommend the 65cm ball, but I am 5'3" and will get the 55cm. (I know Cathe and Cedie are under 5'3" and use the 55cm ball in the workouts, but I haven't actually watched the workouts yet!) I think the website is Fitness1st.com

I haven't really shopped for the medicine ball yet, but my Fitness1st catalog does not show an 8 lb. ball. They do have a 6.7 lb. ball. I'm going to have to spend more time investigating this issue when I buy my next DVD. (For now, I've only got the pyramid DVD.)


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