What should my course of action be at this point?


I have those last 5 lbs (although I'd love 10). I have been blessed with a flat stomach (even after 3 kids) but my horrible area is my arms and my toosh--there needs to be some serious toning.

Should I be aiming for tons of cardio and endurance weight training or strength training? I realize how much diet plays into what you look like and am cleaning that up but I still need a little direction. Right now I'm floundering on what I should be doing for the look I'd like.

Thanks in advance!
Strength training and cardio are ALWAYS a must for ultimate fitness. Diet is critical as well.

Start lifting weights and get a few cardio sessions in a week.
i would do only a few cardio sessions and maybe thing that really focus on that area like some kickboxing and step work. lots of lower body work squats,lunges,more squats maybe some plies in there LOL. and of course heavy upper body weight training.diet does play a huge role in keeping body fat down so you look leaner. lots of veggies and unprocessed food,healthy protien sources and lots of water,very important to stay hydrated. that is just my take on it i am sure you will get alot of other good ideas.


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