What should I plant in the vegetable garden?

It is a big garden (40' X 60')

Corn, carrots and potatoes...should I even consider? Eggplant and Beets are definitely out..YUK!

Just plant one zucchini plant. It'll take over that 40'x60' in no time flat and you can supply everyone in your town with zucchini from now until the apocalypse!;)

I always liked planting beans in mine. Peppers are great. Tomatoes, of course. How about cucumber? Some different lettuces. So many yummy things!
Too funny Shelley! I was posting the same time you were with the same vegetables.

Green beans are another favorite of mine.
You all like the same things I do.

Shelley-thought I planted zucchini last year and ended up with squash as I bought the plants that were wrongly labeled. This time I am sticking with seeds. LOL

I also planted bok choy for my home-made version of chicken chow mein, but it is hard to find, ya know.

Oh, and I've always wanted to plant pumpkins. Maybe just one plant, for your kids in the fall! Or pie pumpkins! Mmmmmm... pumpkin pie.:9
We are planting out first garden and here is what we are going to try: Green beans, peas, carrots, corn, tomatoes (lg and sm.), red peppers, green peppers, yellow peppers, and in another area the boys decided that had to have pumpkins and watermelon. Oh and we bought some strawberry plants. We only got a packet of each since we are not sure what we are doing. The peppers and tomatoes we bought several of each plant. We also bought yellow and red onion bulbs. Should be an interesting summer!! LOL!!

ETA: Forgot the broccoli and the cucumber.
>Oh, and I've always wanted to plant pumpkins. Maybe just one
>plant, for your kids in the fall! Or pie pumpkins! Mmmmmm...
>pumpkin pie.:9

Shelley - I live just 5 miles from the pumpkin capitol of the world. I see you have a rather strong affinity for pumpkin pie. Morton, IL is where they produce over 85% of America's canned pumpkin. The Libby's factory is right here, and let me tell you, when they start canning pumpkin in the fall, it STINKS! Oh, but pumpkin pie does not... *drool*
Charolotte you should plant beets and then send them up to me, I LOVE them. LOL

If I had a garden (which I want so badly, darn bad soil) I would plant: beets, cucumbers, peas, green beans, lima beans, tomatoes, brocolli, bell peppers, hot peppers, corn, red potatoes, and herbs (basil, dill, oregano, cilantro). My dad had a huge garden when we were growing up so I'm trying to remember everything he planted.

Have fun with your gardening!
Dana- I bet beets are good for you, but just can't stand the taste of them. My grandmother use to try to get me to eat her pickled beets...YUK! We like to plant more green beans than any other veggie. I always plant pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, onions, jalapenos, cucumbers, broccoli, zucchini, corn, etc. Tried growing watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew last year, but not much luck.

I also have separate gardens of strawberries, blueberry garden of three blueberry bushes, a herbal garden (chammomile, lavender and calendula) and the ones I use for cooking are in a pot on my deck for easy access such as: oregano, basil, thyme and rosemary. I have 3 flower gardens: teatime ladies, Ashley's garden (my dd's) and the herbal one. Then I have 2 large butterfly bushes near the front of our house. Then we have raspberries and blackberries along the edges of the woods around our home.

Green beans! They are so easy and productive and yummy. I'm just putting in peas, carrots, spinach, lettuce mix, potatoes, and some herbs now. I have yellow squash, tomatoes, pumpkin, peppers, cucumbers, and some gourds (growing those just for fun... bird house gourds and stuff) all started in pots and waiting for the last frost.

I had to quit growing corn because the soil got smut. Unless you have a long season with really warm nights I wouldn't even try melons. I've tried growing them in cooler climates and they just don't get right. They are either mealy and sweet, or not sweet at all. I also can't grow brocolli because the summers get too hot. The brocolli just bolts every time. My carrots do well but I can't grow radishes or beets the soil is too clayey. I've grown eggplant, it's easy, but then I don't like to eat it very much. So I don't know what your climate and soil is like, you might be able to grow some things and not others. But it seems green beans will grow anywhere and give you tons of beans.
I vote for:
Green beans
Tomatoes (including some cherry tomatoes, that are just delicious right off the vine!)
Kholrabi (A kind of cruciferous veggie that looks like a turnip, but tastes like the center of a cabbage. We used to grow these when I was a kid. You hardly ever see them in stores).
Onions and garlic, though kind of bogus (you plant one little onion, you get one big onion), can help repel predators and insects.
Cucumbers are nice too, if it isn't too hot and dry (they can get bitter ends).
Corn is kind of tricky, and prone to disease and insect infestation.

In general, I'd say go for 1) what you love and 2) what you have a hard time finding (or finding without tons of wax on, like cucumbers) locally.

Don't forget to plant some herbs as well (some of which can repel insects as well): basil, oregano, parsley, whatever you like.

Putting in some flowers in nice as well: marigolds (of all sizes) repel some kinds of insects and are pretty. Zinnias are nice as well.

Look up "companion planting" on the web or in a book to see what plants work well together (some plants repel the insects that attack other plants) and which ones don't (some plants can actually hinder the growth of other plants they are planted next to).

ETA: And how can I forget sunflowers! A row of them at the back of the bed is pretty, and the seeds can be used to feed birds (or the heads saved for decoration).
I am just utterly amazed by you ladies! I don't even have time to cut my own grass (ok, maybe I could make the time but it is way better to write a check and be visited weekly by young buff men without shirts). My "garden" is the produce aisle in the supermarket, and sometimes the farmer's market. I wish I had the time and a tiny bit of know-how....

Nothing. That's what farmstands are for.:)

Just sour grapes because I have a black thumb and every plant I touch dies..

"Don't forget to breathe!"
I'm doing a veggie garden this year too. I'm putting in tomatoes, green peppers, jalepenos (or serrano's), green beans, red peppers, and maybe onion.

If you're planting tomatoes here's a trick a local farmer taught me: Lay the tom. plant horizontally and cover so only the leaves stick out (picture a row of leaves), the leaves will root and form their own individual plant so you'll triple or quadruple your tomatoes.
Yes, I have heard this too, or bury a lot of the stem, for a more hardy plant.

I am jealous of all of these veggie gardens. I am doing one next year. I need to prepare a bed. It's too late to start now. The heat is on here in Florida, but I will grow peppers and tomatoes in containers. I already have quite a few gorgeous herbs growing in containers. Basil, chives, rosemary, oregano, thyme, dill, and parsley. That might be an idea for you Charlotte, you could add some herbs in there. :)

Howdy Charlotte!

We planted ours 2 weeks ago.

We put in:
tomatoes, 36 plants
silver queen corn
butter beans
green beans
green peppers

We will plant pumpkins in about a month...other wise, they will be ready and ripe long before fall.

Dang...I'm getting hungry!!!
Yummy! when can i come to dinner?! i love fresh veggies....alas, i don't have the patience to grow any!:+

dh and i planted a graden our first summer together. it was alot of work, but we mainly did it to give his grandma something to watch out the window:)

deffinately okra! tomatoes and zuccinni and red onions!!!


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